Got my hair done on Monday. Alicia rocks! I went back dark again with some red highlights. Looks pretty good. I have shorter bangs too! I like it! Monday night was good. I made the boys favorite chicken noodle casserole and then took Eli to soccer. Bleeze and I visited with my parents while Eli was there and then were off to pick him up and get them ready for bed.
Tuesday was a good day too! I cleaned out the boys closets and got out fall and winter clothes. Ugghh...all day job. Between that and homeschool it was crazy. Yesterday afternoon Eli had tennis. He is doing really well. I am proud of him. During tennis I started dinner and then picked Eli up and we enjoyed a good Southern meal. I cooked butter beans all day in the crock pot. We had butter beans, baked porkchops, fried okra, and cornbread. YUMO!!! I was sad that my shows did not record. I missed 90210. I will have to catch it online. Last night was our date night with the boys.
Eli and I went to the Melting Pot for dessert. He has always wanted to go. It was good. He had to get extra marshmallows and strawberries. I love chocolate fondue!!! YUMMY!!! Tommy took Bleeze to Frankie's for some go-carts and video games. Great times!!!! I just love my two wild monkey! I have been praying like crazy for the Wards. Poor Anna is throwing up now. I hope that junk gets out of their house!!!! I made my cake for class too! It is a chocolate/vanilla marble cake. I hope it turns out okay. I really stink at make the roses!!!

Today has been good. I got up early and made all my icing for cake class early. I have everything packed up and ready to go! We homeschooled all morning! This year is taking a little bit longer but that is okay. We are enjoying it! I had to run some errands so we grab lunch out today. That was a nice break and it is a gorgeous day. I love fall and it is defiantly in the air today. The cable guy had to come back again today. UGGGGHHHH! I am really hating charter and wanting my satellite back!!!!! They are going to have to come back again because our "new" box is broken and we had to get some weird chord to get it to work until they get another new box! It stink!!! I am really enjoying the Bible study from Grace. We are doing He Speaks to Priscilla Shirer. It is so good! I can't wait for tomorrow night! I hope to share some things soon that the Lord has been revealing to me. He is such an amazing God! So for now, I am off to get ready for cake class. Tonight is the last night for this level. I look forward to moving forward! For now, I am hoping everyone is great! Praying blessings on everyone! Have a Rockin Rest of the week!
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