The day started with an awesome church service this morning. The sermon ROCKED! I am loving studying the book of I Peter! The sermon today was on making Jesus the Cornerstone!
After church I went to Brandi's house to help her with her mom's 50th bday cake. It turned it pretty. I will post pics later. I went to pick up Tommy and the boys and we had lunch with my parents. Then it was time for Bleeze to nap. I did some more shop vacuuming (LOL) and then after nap I took the boys back to my parents to help Brandi set up for the party tonight.
Tonight we attended Cindy's 50th bday party. She was so surprised. She made me cry when she came in and saw her high school friends that she had not seen in YEARS. It was precious. The party went off without a hitch!
I have a lot going on this week so I am about to go to bed and get some zzzz's but before I have to show my gratitude.
* Awesome church service this morning!
* My sweet Bleeze loving his class at church. He just adores it!
* Fun times with Brandi
* For Cindy....she has always been "wonder woman" in my eyes. I love and appreciate her and was happy to be apart of her special day!
* The yummy food tonight......
* God's love and mercy. He never ceases to amaze me!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I think I have turned into the Energizer Bunny....
OH Where do I start??? I have been a crazy girl for the past few days. I think I have turned into the Energizer Bunny. NO, Seriously, Let me start with Thanksgiving. I got up at 7 am and made cranberry salad and then made Pigs in a Blanket. This has become a tradition in our house for Thanksgiving morning. It was awesome we all four piled up and watched the parade and ate our "piggies in a blanket" as Bleeze calls them. After the parade is was the great bake-off. I was in charge of desserts this year. I made a scratch chocolate cake, scratch chocolate chips (that were to die for I might say,(even if I did make them)), and a cranberry crumble pie. AWESOME! I finished all my baking just in time to get us all dressed and to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner.
Dinner was awesome always. I have to say that I think my parents are probably some of the best cooks I know. They should open a restaurant. It was WONDERFUL! After dinner, Tommy crashed on the couch while we all just sat around and chatted. Then, Tommy was off to the gym and I hung out at my parents watching TV and surfing the net for black Friday deals. I left my boys at my parents because my Dad was SO gracious to keep them so that I could meet Brandi and Cindy for some early morning shopping.
So, I go home and lay down in the bed. It is 9:30 pm. I don't think I have went to bed that early in about 5 years. So, anyway, I lay there, I COULD NOT go to sleep. I prayed for everyone in the world, counted sheep, counted to 100, counted from 100 to 0, started counting my blessings (that gets me excited and I can't sleep then), 1:10AM comes, I am still lying there and RING goes the phone. It is my mom. Bleeze is screaming and crying wanted to come home. He said his leg was hurting???? So, I get up throw on my coat, go pick him up. 1:31 I am back home, gave Bleeze some Motrin for whatever the leg pain is (I honestly, think he was dreaming) I lay down in the bed and I still can't go to sleep. 3am get up get dressed and I am sitting in Walmart parking lot at 3:29! Woo hoo. Brandi did not get to come because she was sick (sorry girl) but I had so much hanging out with Cindy. We stood out in the cold for an hour and half but it was SO worth it. I got over 1000 dollars worth of stuff for 300!!!! We were at the very front of the line. I got my kitchen aid mixer. YAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAY!!!!! I was so happy a $350 mixer for $130!! That rocks. So I go home and I think surely, I will be able to sleep. I laid down in the bed at 6:32... I thought I would drift off. WRONG! 7am RING goes the alarm clock for Tommy to get up and go to work, then 10 minutes later, Bleeze wakes up wanting pancakes! My Dad had promised him pancakes so we went to my parents and ate pancakes then it was home for Christmas decorating.
So I get home to decorate, everything was going so smooth. I was thinking to myself, " The reason this is going so good and smooth is because I am so organized and I am proud of myself" So I put the tree up with the wonderful pre-lit lights on it that we bought 2 years ago. I plug it up and BAM NO FRIGGIN LIGHTS!!!!!! I was furious. So, I spent from 2:35 until 6:35 cutting those stinkin lights off my tree. We went for left overs at my parents. After dinner Mom and I went to Hobby Lobby and then it was back to decorating that stupid tree. I finally got the tree decorated, and some bows made and looked at the clock and it was 1am! UGGGHHHH! I was up for almost 48 hours straight. When I went to bed I was so tired, every time I would close my eyes the room would spin. I finally dozed off and then I woke up at 6 am ready to go again.
I got up and started cleaning. This beautiful yet horrible ribbon I made bows with, has red glitter on it. It was EVERYWHERE. I had to sweep my house 7 times and I used the Shop Vac. I finally got everything packed away in my attic and cleaned up. I managed to get some of the outside of the house decorated (plan to finish that tomorrow0w), cleaned out my oven, did 4 loads of laundry, and started Shop Vac'ing the entire house. I am addicted to sucking up dust. LOL!
Tonight we went to dinner with my cousins Cathy and Teri and their kids. I hoped they enjoyed Don Pablos. I hate Jaydon did not like his food. boo hoo! We had fun! I wish they lived closer so that we could hang out more often. The kiddos would love it I know. We have to get together next time here at our house that way they can play!
So now, I am tired I feel like I have been going NON stop. I am watching one of my all time favorite Christmas movies "White Christmas" I love it. It is so dreamy. (Candy, I thought of you) I actually feel a little shaky so I am going to some gratitude and hit the sack....
* God, he ROCKS! He is my everything and gives me so much more than I could ever deserve.
* A wonderful Thanksgiving with my precious family.
* My wonderful, wonderful family and friends.
* Seeing Bleeze sweet face light up when he saw the Snoopy balloon in the Macy's Day Parade on TV.
* AWESOME Thanksgiving food.
* Christmas decorations, even though they are a pain to put up, they are so pretty. I felt giddy tonight when I came home and saw them!
* Hobby Lobby... I think it is my favorite store.
* My Kitchen Aid mixer and all the other awesome deals I got on black Friday.
* Playing with Bleeze while I removed the pre-lit lights from the tree. He kept company the entire 3 hours. We had so much fun pretending.
* My boys rooms. They decorated them for Christmas themselves. They look precious.
* The Shop is helping get rid of the glitter and dust from strange ares. I am addicted!
* Dinner tonight with Cathy and Terri
* The sleep I am about to get!
Dinner was awesome always. I have to say that I think my parents are probably some of the best cooks I know. They should open a restaurant. It was WONDERFUL! After dinner, Tommy crashed on the couch while we all just sat around and chatted. Then, Tommy was off to the gym and I hung out at my parents watching TV and surfing the net for black Friday deals. I left my boys at my parents because my Dad was SO gracious to keep them so that I could meet Brandi and Cindy for some early morning shopping.
So, I go home and lay down in the bed. It is 9:30 pm. I don't think I have went to bed that early in about 5 years. So, anyway, I lay there, I COULD NOT go to sleep. I prayed for everyone in the world, counted sheep, counted to 100, counted from 100 to 0, started counting my blessings (that gets me excited and I can't sleep then), 1:10AM comes, I am still lying there and RING goes the phone. It is my mom. Bleeze is screaming and crying wanted to come home. He said his leg was hurting???? So, I get up throw on my coat, go pick him up. 1:31 I am back home, gave Bleeze some Motrin for whatever the leg pain is (I honestly, think he was dreaming) I lay down in the bed and I still can't go to sleep. 3am get up get dressed and I am sitting in Walmart parking lot at 3:29! Woo hoo. Brandi did not get to come because she was sick (sorry girl) but I had so much hanging out with Cindy. We stood out in the cold for an hour and half but it was SO worth it. I got over 1000 dollars worth of stuff for 300!!!! We were at the very front of the line. I got my kitchen aid mixer. YAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAY!!!!! I was so happy a $350 mixer for $130!! That rocks. So I go home and I think surely, I will be able to sleep. I laid down in the bed at 6:32... I thought I would drift off. WRONG! 7am RING goes the alarm clock for Tommy to get up and go to work, then 10 minutes later, Bleeze wakes up wanting pancakes! My Dad had promised him pancakes so we went to my parents and ate pancakes then it was home for Christmas decorating.
So I get home to decorate, everything was going so smooth. I was thinking to myself, " The reason this is going so good and smooth is because I am so organized and I am proud of myself" So I put the tree up with the wonderful pre-lit lights on it that we bought 2 years ago. I plug it up and BAM NO FRIGGIN LIGHTS!!!!!! I was furious. So, I spent from 2:35 until 6:35 cutting those stinkin lights off my tree. We went for left overs at my parents. After dinner Mom and I went to Hobby Lobby and then it was back to decorating that stupid tree. I finally got the tree decorated, and some bows made and looked at the clock and it was 1am! UGGGHHHH! I was up for almost 48 hours straight. When I went to bed I was so tired, every time I would close my eyes the room would spin. I finally dozed off and then I woke up at 6 am ready to go again.
I got up and started cleaning. This beautiful yet horrible ribbon I made bows with, has red glitter on it. It was EVERYWHERE. I had to sweep my house 7 times and I used the Shop Vac. I finally got everything packed away in my attic and cleaned up. I managed to get some of the outside of the house decorated (plan to finish that tomorrow0w), cleaned out my oven, did 4 loads of laundry, and started Shop Vac'ing the entire house. I am addicted to sucking up dust. LOL!
Tonight we went to dinner with my cousins Cathy and Teri and their kids. I hoped they enjoyed Don Pablos. I hate Jaydon did not like his food. boo hoo! We had fun! I wish they lived closer so that we could hang out more often. The kiddos would love it I know. We have to get together next time here at our house that way they can play!
So now, I am tired I feel like I have been going NON stop. I am watching one of my all time favorite Christmas movies "White Christmas" I love it. It is so dreamy. (Candy, I thought of you) I actually feel a little shaky so I am going to some gratitude and hit the sack....
* God, he ROCKS! He is my everything and gives me so much more than I could ever deserve.
* A wonderful Thanksgiving with my precious family.
* My wonderful, wonderful family and friends.
* Seeing Bleeze sweet face light up when he saw the Snoopy balloon in the Macy's Day Parade on TV.
* AWESOME Thanksgiving food.
* Christmas decorations, even though they are a pain to put up, they are so pretty. I felt giddy tonight when I came home and saw them!
* Hobby Lobby... I think it is my favorite store.
* My Kitchen Aid mixer and all the other awesome deals I got on black Friday.
* Playing with Bleeze while I removed the pre-lit lights from the tree. He kept company the entire 3 hours. We had so much fun pretending.
* My boys rooms. They decorated them for Christmas themselves. They look precious.
* The Shop is helping get rid of the glitter and dust from strange ares. I am addicted!
* Dinner tonight with Cathy and Terri
* The sleep I am about to get!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving Eve
I have had yet another busy day. I had appointments and errands today. I cooked dinner tonight and after dinner i had to take Tommy to pick his truck up from having some repairs. We took a family ride and listened to Christmas music. FUN!!!! So now, I am going to show some gratitude, do some reading and go to bed. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we have a full day. So for now...good night and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Gratitude for today...
* My sweet boys made me a Thanksgiving card today. It was so sweet. (It has a picture of Tommy and I and we have heart heads) LOL!
* Tommy being able to watch the boys for an appointment I had today.
* fun times in the car singing and listening to Christmas music.
Gratitude for today...
* My sweet boys made me a Thanksgiving card today. It was so sweet. (It has a picture of Tommy and I and we have heart heads) LOL!
* Tommy being able to watch the boys for an appointment I had today.
* fun times in the car singing and listening to Christmas music.
Short order cook....
This morning I did my normal biblical devotion and also did some prayer journaling . As I read back through my journal entry I noticed how it was a bless, give me, grant me, show me, teach me, guide me, a thousand request from the Almighty. I started to think about how that must make God feel. I mean I have those days when the demands of my family completely wipe me out! I am so frustrated by the end of the day that I want to strangle someone.
You know the scenario....." I'm thirsty can I have drink, I'm am hungry can you get me some food, I don't like this can you make me something else, clean this up, clean that up, buy this for that one, take this one here, take that one there, clean that up, pick that up for him, make that, buy that, show that, give that it is NEVER ending when you are a wife and mother. I am not complaining I am making the attempt to make a comparison.
For those of you who are moms you are going to completely understand this. Have you ever made a meal that you were really proud of. It took you hours to make, you worked really hard only to have your kids fuss about it, not like or just gobble it up with no praise, your husband come in gobble it with no thanks or praise. Then you are left to clean up the dirty dishes and kitchen. This happens to me actually often. I always say I feel like a short order cook. I wonder if God ever feels this way. We are constantly asking him for things, he is constantly doing things for us that we do not even see, and then to top off he blesses us so often and we just gobble the blessing up with out a thank you or praise!
Now I know that God is God and he is compassionate and he realizes that I am just a fallen sinner saved by His grace. I understand that he knows me like no other but at the same time the scriptures tell us "if we don't praise him, the rocks will cry out" I really do not want a stupid rock crying out in my place. Now again, for those of you who do not truly understand praise or worship. I am NOT talking about an outward emotional experience. I am talking about a praise that lives inside me 24/7 and worship that is never ending. That is what I want my life to be. I want God to receive all the Glory for EVERYTHING in my life. He is so deserving. I never want him to feel like a short order cook. You know like at the Waffle House, where a thousand request are made of him at once with no special recognition or me as a mom and wife full filling all of lifes necessities and often feeling forgotten. That everyone is too busy to stand back and realize what is being done for them. I want to give him glory and praise at all times!
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalms 19:14
You know the scenario....." I'm thirsty can I have drink, I'm am hungry can you get me some food, I don't like this can you make me something else, clean this up, clean that up, buy this for that one, take this one here, take that one there, clean that up, pick that up for him, make that, buy that, show that, give that it is NEVER ending when you are a wife and mother. I am not complaining I am making the attempt to make a comparison.
For those of you who are moms you are going to completely understand this. Have you ever made a meal that you were really proud of. It took you hours to make, you worked really hard only to have your kids fuss about it, not like or just gobble it up with no praise, your husband come in gobble it with no thanks or praise. Then you are left to clean up the dirty dishes and kitchen. This happens to me actually often. I always say I feel like a short order cook. I wonder if God ever feels this way. We are constantly asking him for things, he is constantly doing things for us that we do not even see, and then to top off he blesses us so often and we just gobble the blessing up with out a thank you or praise!
Now I know that God is God and he is compassionate and he realizes that I am just a fallen sinner saved by His grace. I understand that he knows me like no other but at the same time the scriptures tell us "if we don't praise him, the rocks will cry out" I really do not want a stupid rock crying out in my place. Now again, for those of you who do not truly understand praise or worship. I am NOT talking about an outward emotional experience. I am talking about a praise that lives inside me 24/7 and worship that is never ending. That is what I want my life to be. I want God to receive all the Glory for EVERYTHING in my life. He is so deserving. I never want him to feel like a short order cook. You know like at the Waffle House, where a thousand request are made of him at once with no special recognition or me as a mom and wife full filling all of lifes necessities and often feeling forgotten. That everyone is too busy to stand back and realize what is being done for them. I want to give him glory and praise at all times!
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalms 19:14
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Terrific Tuesday....
Today has been pretty good. I did manage to get a ton done today too. I homeschooled, help Brandi for a little bit decorate our church for Christmas (wish I could have helped longer), cleaned, worked on our family Christmas cards, took the boys to the movies late this afternoon to see BOLT! SO CUTE!!!! Then we had dinner with my parents at El Jalisco. Tomorrow is busy appointments and I have to start working on Thanksgiving. I hope everyone had a great day. Going to get some gratitude in and then finish watching Desperate Housewives of Orange County...LOL and then OFF TO BED!!!!
Grateful for....
* The ad posted in the previous blog of my precious Bleeze.
* Fun times with my boys at the movies.
* Yummy food from El Jalisco.
* my friends and family
Grateful for....
* The ad posted in the previous blog of my precious Bleeze.
* Fun times with my boys at the movies.
* Yummy food from El Jalisco.
* my friends and family
Monday, November 24, 2008
manic monday....w/ some gratitude
Today was SO a Monday. Woke up a little later than usual because Bleeze kept me up half the night. He just would wake up for now reason. He got in our bed and then he was kicking me in the head and laying on top of me. ughhhh! Hopefully he will sleep good tonight. I had a good work out and did a lot here at home early this morning. I homeschooled this afternoon and then I was off to get my hair done.
I went a little darker with my hair. Alicia always does good. Bleeze was such a stinker while we were there. I had to punish him after we left. He did not get to get candy when we stopped at the store and that caused an entire different scene....ugghhh...
I did manage to get the house clean, mopped my floors tonight. I ROCK! LOL! My "to do list" is long and I managed to get a lot done today. So I feel accomplished.:0)
I cooked dinner tonight and the boys ate pretty good, got baths, Bleeze went to bed early b/c he had NO NAP...ugghh! Eli has been a busy beaver with his Lincoln Logs tonight. He has entire village set up across the floor. It is pretty impressive.
So for now, going to show some gratitude and hit the sack. I have a list a mile long to get done and the morning comes early!!!!
SO grateful for....
* The strength God gives me to get so much accomplished in one day!
* My sweet boys, even though they were wild monkeys at the hair salon today. I still love them.
* The strength God gives me when my boys are wild monkeys LOL!!!!!
* My clean house, warm bed, and clothes on my back,for health and healing, for God love and mercy!
I went a little darker with my hair. Alicia always does good. Bleeze was such a stinker while we were there. I had to punish him after we left. He did not get to get candy when we stopped at the store and that caused an entire different scene....ugghhh...
I did manage to get the house clean, mopped my floors tonight. I ROCK! LOL! My "to do list" is long and I managed to get a lot done today. So I feel accomplished.:0)
I cooked dinner tonight and the boys ate pretty good, got baths, Bleeze went to bed early b/c he had NO NAP...ugghh! Eli has been a busy beaver with his Lincoln Logs tonight. He has entire village set up across the floor. It is pretty impressive.
So for now, going to show some gratitude and hit the sack. I have a list a mile long to get done and the morning comes early!!!!
SO grateful for....
* The strength God gives me to get so much accomplished in one day!
* My sweet boys, even though they were wild monkeys at the hair salon today. I still love them.
* The strength God gives me when my boys are wild monkeys LOL!!!!!
* My clean house, warm bed, and clothes on my back,for health and healing, for God love and mercy!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Lazy Sunday....ahhh.....
Today has been splendid. The day all started with us oversleeping. A miracle did occur though. Our church starts at 9am. We woke up at 8:10. We could have went to 2nd service but I did not want to get out late. So we were off and running. We took showers, got dressed and made it to church by 9:05. WOW!!! That is a MIRACLE! Church was awesome as always! Missed the Wards today. Hope all of you feel better soon :o)
After church we had to wait on my parents to get out of their service to have lunch so we went for coffee and got the boys smoothies. We also ran in Khols for a few minutes. Then we went to lunch at my parents. YUMMY! Then it was Lazy Sunday! :Last night I bought the old classic Disney movie Old Yeller. It also came with the sequel Savage Sam. We put on our pj's and watched both movies this afternoon. It was awesome!!!! Then I got dressed again and Tommy kept the boys for me to go buy groceries. I grabbed some take out on the way home and it has just been a good day.
So here is some gratitude.....
* Making it to church...
*Matt's message today. I related so well!
* coffee and smoothies w/ my family on Sunday morning.
* lunch w/ my parents
* lazy Sunday afternoon with good old classic movies that make me cry every time.
* grocery shopping alone....peace, peace
* my sweet hubby for watching our boys
* my new pj's I put on tonight. So soft and comfy...even if Tommy said they look like granny pj's.
* God's everlasting love and mercy!!!
After church we had to wait on my parents to get out of their service to have lunch so we went for coffee and got the boys smoothies. We also ran in Khols for a few minutes. Then we went to lunch at my parents. YUMMY! Then it was Lazy Sunday! :Last night I bought the old classic Disney movie Old Yeller. It also came with the sequel Savage Sam. We put on our pj's and watched both movies this afternoon. It was awesome!!!! Then I got dressed again and Tommy kept the boys for me to go buy groceries. I grabbed some take out on the way home and it has just been a good day.
So here is some gratitude.....
* Making it to church...
*Matt's message today. I related so well!
* coffee and smoothies w/ my family on Sunday morning.
* lunch w/ my parents
* lazy Sunday afternoon with good old classic movies that make me cry every time.
* grocery shopping alone....peace, peace
* my sweet hubby for watching our boys
* my new pj's I put on tonight. So soft and comfy...even if Tommy said they look like granny pj's.
* God's everlasting love and mercy!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The past two days...
The past two days have been crazy and hectic. We have a lot going on. I did manage to make my first fondant cake yesterday. WOO HOO! My family was impressed. Got home pretty late last night so I went straight to bed. Today has been nice. I made Eli's bday party invites this morning. Tommy was home with us all day. (THAT IS SO RARE) We had lots of good family time. Snuggled in bed this moring (all 4 of us), we had some company come by for just a little bit, We made frozen pizzas and ate them for lunch. We listened to Christmas music, we acted silly, watched the last quarter of the Clemson game. YAY TIGERS! Then my mother in law came over to watch the boys so that we could go do some Christmas shopping. We enjoyed dinner at Flat Rock and then we went had hit the stores. WE GOT A LOT DONE! WOO HOO! Now to count my blessings, do some reading, and get to bed...gotta get up early in the morning for church...good night.
Gratitude for today...
* Loved getting to take the cake class yesterday!
* Snuggle time this morning with my family.
* yucky frozen pizza with my three favorite guys.
* Christmas music
* Clemson won today! GO TIGERS!
* Flat Rocks... for loaded chicken, peach martini, and cheesecake ohhhh so good.
* the money to go Christmas Shopping and to be able to buy my boys exactly what they ask for.
* my awesome jacket I got tonight and for Tommy's warm jacket he got. It is so cold and he did not have a good jacket.
*God... he ROCKS! Never ceases to amaze me!
Gratitude for today...
* Loved getting to take the cake class yesterday!
* Snuggle time this morning with my family.
* yucky frozen pizza with my three favorite guys.
* Christmas music
* Clemson won today! GO TIGERS!
* Flat Rocks... for loaded chicken, peach martini, and cheesecake ohhhh so good.
* the money to go Christmas Shopping and to be able to buy my boys exactly what they ask for.
* my awesome jacket I got tonight and for Tommy's warm jacket he got. It is so cold and he did not have a good jacket.
*God... he ROCKS! Never ceases to amaze me!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thursdays Events and some gratitude
Today has been very good. We did homeschool, I did some event planning, Eli had tennis this afternoon. I made it to my Mom's Mary Kay party. (My Mom made the best grape salad oh my lord...awesome) I left early so I could go to Bible study last night. It was awesome! I just loved hearing everyone share tonight. I am so glad to be a part of such an awesome group. So now, I watched ER and I am about to crash. Ready for the weekend!!!
Now for some gratitude...
* For my sweet, sweet hubby and boys!
* For yummy food at the Mary Kay party..LOL!
* For my ladies group and Grace. You ladies ROCK!
* For God allowing me to be put in the places I need to be! To be surrounded by the people I need to be surrounded by. GOD ROCKS!
Now for some gratitude...
* For my sweet, sweet hubby and boys!
* For yummy food at the Mary Kay party..LOL!
* For my ladies group and Grace. You ladies ROCK!
* For God allowing me to be put in the places I need to be! To be surrounded by the people I need to be surrounded by. GOD ROCKS!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
happy hump day
I hope todays blog finds everyone doing well. The Bagwell house is doing okay. I was up off and on all night with Eli with a stomach ache. I think he must have eaten something that he was allergic to because he had the rash that he gets sometimes when he reacts to foods. He was feeling better this morning and I was relived. We have been rebuking the puke after hearing of peeps having some tummy bug!
Anyway, on to more exciting things. Today, let's see, I have been very busy. We homeschooled today, I made a chocolate cake from scratch(nothing like chocolate to cure PMS) , got ready for a meeting and then the client had to reschedule. So I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
The boys enjoyed hot chocolate tonight and another Charlie Brown movie. I just love to hear Bleeze laugh when he is watching those movies. He tickles me to death. They are watching America's Funniest Home Videos now and I am loosing it listening to the two of them laugh. It is funny how another persons humiliation brings such joy to others.
Well, that is my day today. Tomorrow is much of the same. I am looking forward to my mom's Mary Kay party and I have to go to Bible Study tomorrow night. Well, it is time for devotions w/ the boys (past time) and bedtime. Going to show some gratitude before I go. I hope everyone has an awesome night. Good night!
My gratitude for today...
* Chocolate cake...YUMMY!
* chapstick for my horrible chapped lips.
* the laughter of my boys... it makes me happy.
* the joy that spaghetti and meatballs brings Eli. He was so happy to eat dinner tonight.
* God's mercies that are new everyday!
* the sleep that I hope to get in just a bit... I am exhausted!
Anyway, on to more exciting things. Today, let's see, I have been very busy. We homeschooled today, I made a chocolate cake from scratch(nothing like chocolate to cure PMS) , got ready for a meeting and then the client had to reschedule. So I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
The boys enjoyed hot chocolate tonight and another Charlie Brown movie. I just love to hear Bleeze laugh when he is watching those movies. He tickles me to death. They are watching America's Funniest Home Videos now and I am loosing it listening to the two of them laugh. It is funny how another persons humiliation brings such joy to others.
Well, that is my day today. Tomorrow is much of the same. I am looking forward to my mom's Mary Kay party and I have to go to Bible Study tomorrow night. Well, it is time for devotions w/ the boys (past time) and bedtime. Going to show some gratitude before I go. I hope everyone has an awesome night. Good night!
My gratitude for today...
* Chocolate cake...YUMMY!
* chapstick for my horrible chapped lips.
* the laughter of my boys... it makes me happy.
* the joy that spaghetti and meatballs brings Eli. He was so happy to eat dinner tonight.
* God's mercies that are new everyday!
* the sleep that I hope to get in just a bit... I am exhausted!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
longgggg day
Today has been a long day. I have been very moody. Sorry family! I homeschooled a lot today and then I cleaned all evening. I just rocked my sweet boy to sleep and now to get my shower and head to be myself. Morning comes early and I must be up to work out. I have to get back in a routine. Good night folks!
Gratitude for today....
* Sweet moments with my boys during homeschool talking about what we are thankful for.
* Cranberry juice
* PMS medication ( I know my family is thanking God for it today)
* My awesome warm house with these freezing temps
Gratitude for today....
* Sweet moments with my boys during homeschool talking about what we are thankful for.
* Cranberry juice
* PMS medication ( I know my family is thanking God for it today)
* My awesome warm house with these freezing temps
Monday, November 17, 2008
*Another day to live and breath.
* The pain in my neck is gone.
* to be able to buy groceries and have food to eat
* the charlie brown set I bought Bleeze today. He has watched the movies all day long.
* God's wisdom
* The pain in my neck is gone.
* to be able to buy groceries and have food to eat
* the charlie brown set I bought Bleeze today. He has watched the movies all day long.
* God's wisdom
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Super Sunday
Today has been a good day. We went to church. It was awesome. Matt was very funny this morning. I loved his impression of The Bachelor. After church we had Eli's soccer banquet. The boys are growing up so fast. They had such a good time and the little boys loved the cake. I am still hurting in my neck. UGGHHH! I think I will end up at the doctor tomorrow. I am praying it will be all healed by in the morning. This afternoon we hung out. The boys played with friends outside and I cleaned up house and was a little lazy. I made dinner, got the boys bathed, and did my devotion. I am loving, The Excellent Wife. I see how horrible I am. LOL! Well, for now, I am headed to take me a Loratab for my neck, watch Desperate Housewives, and by the time it goes off the Loratab will kick in and I will be fast asleep. LOL! Hope everyone has a rocking week! Going to show some gratitude before I go...
* An awesome church, where I know my entire family is being fed exactly what they need. I really needed that message on LOVE today.
* My sweet boys as always!
* That fall soccer season is over! LOL! Spring will start before long...wheww....
* lazy Sunday afternoons....
* again today for pain medication...without it I would have not made it through the past three days. (However, due to pain meds, Matt Williams had 3 heads the entire time he was preaching this morning....LOL)
* An awesome church, where I know my entire family is being fed exactly what they need. I really needed that message on LOVE today.
* My sweet boys as always!
* That fall soccer season is over! LOL! Spring will start before long...wheww....
* lazy Sunday afternoons....
* again today for pain medication...without it I would have not made it through the past three days. (However, due to pain meds, Matt Williams had 3 heads the entire time he was preaching this morning....LOL)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Showing some gratitude...
Today I am so thankful for...
* that my neck pain (even though it is bad now) is not as bad as yesterday.
* that my sweet Eli made it through his first boys sleepover and had a blast!
* for McDonald's yummy sausage biscuits on a cold morning....
* The Vipers won their last game of the season today! GO ELI!
* My sweet friend Brandi helping me with the cake today for the soccer party tomorrow. WE ROCKED THE CAKE MY FRIEND!
* Double Date night... Had so much fun with Jon and Brandi at Brick City Grill. We have to go back on Karaoke night!
* My funny hubby and boys!
*prescription muscle and pain relievers....THANK YOU GOD!!!!
* that my neck pain (even though it is bad now) is not as bad as yesterday.
* that my sweet Eli made it through his first boys sleepover and had a blast!
* for McDonald's yummy sausage biscuits on a cold morning....
* The Vipers won their last game of the season today! GO ELI!
* My sweet friend Brandi helping me with the cake today for the soccer party tomorrow. WE ROCKED THE CAKE MY FRIEND!
* Double Date night... Had so much fun with Jon and Brandi at Brick City Grill. We have to go back on Karaoke night!
* My funny hubby and boys!
*prescription muscle and pain relievers....THANK YOU GOD!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My sweet, sweet boys....
Okay, I know I brag a ton about this two sweet monkeys but I have some things I want to share with you. They are precious. I allowed Eli to get a facebook. He is only on when I log him on and he has started to blog. This is helping him with his keyboard skills. I got a copy of his blog tonight. He ROCKS! This is a copy of what he wrote... (I just love him)
Well this is so good i love it i just wanted to share it with you. Love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul and all your mind this is the first and most important command.matthew 22: 37, 38
are you willing to put God first or do you put other things ahead of your love for him. God wants you to love him first and he wants you to obey him first when you do these things youll be happy. When you do the right thing always put him in the place he deserves first place.
Okay, now for some Bleeze funnies.
Tonight we were reading their nightly devotions. I read Bleeze first and the Eli read his out loud. Before we play they always say what they learned from their devotion. Eli shared that his devotion was about honesty and "honesty is always the best policy" Then Bleeze shared that his was about God loving him. Then he said "we learned all about this in the book of guke." I said, "What?" He said, "it is in the book of guke." LOL!!!!!! The scripture was from the book of LUKE!
So he said his prayers and did his usual closing of his prayer saying "in Jesus pray" instead of "in Jesus name" He ROCKS too.
Tonight he was pretending to go to the grocery store. He would give Eli and I both a kiss goodbye and expect me to say "be careful" EVERY SINGLE TIME! He did it one time and I did not say be careful. He came over and said, " you have to say be careful when I leave to the grocery store so I will not drive to fast." LOL!!!!!!!!
Well this is so good i love it i just wanted to share it with you. Love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul and all your mind this is the first and most important command.matthew 22: 37, 38
are you willing to put God first or do you put other things ahead of your love for him. God wants you to love him first and he wants you to obey him first when you do these things youll be happy. When you do the right thing always put him in the place he deserves first place.
Okay, now for some Bleeze funnies.
Tonight we were reading their nightly devotions. I read Bleeze first and the Eli read his out loud. Before we play they always say what they learned from their devotion. Eli shared that his devotion was about honesty and "honesty is always the best policy" Then Bleeze shared that his was about God loving him. Then he said "we learned all about this in the book of guke." I said, "What?" He said, "it is in the book of guke." LOL!!!!!! The scripture was from the book of LUKE!
So he said his prayers and did his usual closing of his prayer saying "in Jesus pray" instead of "in Jesus name" He ROCKS too.
Tonight he was pretending to go to the grocery store. He would give Eli and I both a kiss goodbye and expect me to say "be careful" EVERY SINGLE TIME! He did it one time and I did not say be careful. He came over and said, " you have to say be careful when I leave to the grocery store so I will not drive to fast." LOL!!!!!!!!
my few days and some gratitude
The past few days have been crazy. I had a lot going on here at the house and tons of errands to run. Last night I went to the funeral home for baby Conner. I am praying that SUPERNATURAL peace that was prayed for me back in July to surround Chris, Alison, and the rest of the family. It was good to see so many old friends last night. I hate the circumstances of getting to see them but it was so good to see people. After the funeral home we went with Tammy and Tony to Coach House it Simpsonville, I am so sorry I missed Lexi's volleyball game. Hopefully they will have another game and I will get to see her in action. I stayed up until 1AM baking cakes and preparing icing for Lexi's birthday cake this weekend. I knew this weekend was going to be crazy. I wanted to get a jump start on things.
This morning after our normal morning things we went to Baby Conner's funeral. I was so blessed by Chris. To stand and speak over your child so takes that super natural peace that I was talking about earlier. He did an incredible job. I am praying for this family. It was strange being at Abundant Life though. Bleeze thought it was so cool that they have a playground at church. LOL!
This afternoon the boys made a tent and spent the entire afternoon playing. I took advantage of this time and decorated Lexi's cake. It turned out pretty good. I hope she likes it! That is all that matters. It is volleyball and purple. Her two favorites. Tonight we had dinner and I have chilled. I felt like I have been going without stopping lately.
This weekend is packed full of excitement. All kinds of things going on! So for now, I am going to watch my favorite show (ER) and go to bed.
Gratitude for two days.....
* $125 pants for $15..WHOO HOO!!!
* Chickfila sweet tea....
* Old friends
* God's super-natural peace
* my precious family
* memories with my family
This morning after our normal morning things we went to Baby Conner's funeral. I was so blessed by Chris. To stand and speak over your child so takes that super natural peace that I was talking about earlier. He did an incredible job. I am praying for this family. It was strange being at Abundant Life though. Bleeze thought it was so cool that they have a playground at church. LOL!
This afternoon the boys made a tent and spent the entire afternoon playing. I took advantage of this time and decorated Lexi's cake. It turned out pretty good. I hope she likes it! That is all that matters. It is volleyball and purple. Her two favorites. Tonight we had dinner and I have chilled. I felt like I have been going without stopping lately.
This weekend is packed full of excitement. All kinds of things going on! So for now, I am going to watch my favorite show (ER) and go to bed.
Gratitude for two days.....
* $125 pants for $15..WHOO HOO!!!
* Chickfila sweet tea....
* Old friends
* God's super-natural peace
* my precious family
* memories with my family
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
blah....but I am always grateful.
Today has been kinda blah for me. It all started when my plans for today got shot down. UGGHHH! Then I have just felt kinda uggh... I think it is hormones so hopefully I will snap out of it VERY SOON. Today was laundry day, I had a lot chores and duties to take care of, Bleeze has been very fussy today (full moon, I do believe) I have practically had him stuck to my leg all day. I couldn't even have phone conversations ( I will try to call you tomorrow Elle). While rocking Bleeze this afternoon (he never fell asleep) I watched a lifetime movie. We had date night tonight. It was my night with Bleeze. Bleeze and I went to Pizza Hut (YUCK) He liked it though. That was it for tonight. I think Eli and Tommy went to Jersey Mike's Subs and that was it.
Even though I am not feeling so good today I am still very grateful. I have so much to be grateful for and I feel VERY blessed so here are a few for today...
* My hubby. He works so hard.
* My Bible... to help me through days like today. God's word ROCKS!
* PMS medication. LOL!
* My sweet boys
*Sweet times with Bleeze tonight at Pizza Hut. (I drew a (what I thought was a dog) for him on the menu and he said, "Mommy, that's a crab" LOL! Now you all know what a great artist I am) hehehehe!
* My sweet friend Elle, for inspiring me in so many ways. Thanks!
Even though I am not feeling so good today I am still very grateful. I have so much to be grateful for and I feel VERY blessed so here are a few for today...
* My hubby. He works so hard.
* My Bible... to help me through days like today. God's word ROCKS!
* PMS medication. LOL!
* My sweet boys
*Sweet times with Bleeze tonight at Pizza Hut. (I drew a (what I thought was a dog) for him on the menu and he said, "Mommy, that's a crab" LOL! Now you all know what a great artist I am) hehehehe!
* My sweet friend Elle, for inspiring me in so many ways. Thanks!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Busy Beaver
I have been so busy today. It all started in the kitchen. I made homemade pancakes for the boys this morning and then started on my coconut/almond cake. It took HOURS to make it from straight. It is pretty awesome. I will include a picture of my masterpiece. LOL! I also made an awesome chicken recipe that went in the slow cooker for dinner. I cleaned house all day long. In between I did homeschool. My parents also came by for dessert tonight. So needless to say, I am exhausted.
I am feeling such sadness tonight. I learned that Alison and Chris lost their sweet Connor. I hate that for them. I am so sorry they are having to go through this and experience this lost. However, I know that God is in control and that "he works to the good for them that love Him." Connor is resting in the presence of our Lord never to hurt again. I am praying for SUPER NATURAL PEACE this family!
For now, I will count my blessings and go to bed.
* For God's Super Natural Peace that he always gives when we ask for it.
* my home (that is clean)
* the yummy food we had to eat today.
* my family
I am feeling such sadness tonight. I learned that Alison and Chris lost their sweet Connor. I hate that for them. I am so sorry they are having to go through this and experience this lost. However, I know that God is in control and that "he works to the good for them that love Him." Connor is resting in the presence of our Lord never to hurt again. I am praying for SUPER NATURAL PEACE this family!
For now, I will count my blessings and go to bed.
* For God's Super Natural Peace that he always gives when we ask for it.
* my home (that is clean)
* the yummy food we had to eat today.
* my family
Sunday, November 9, 2008
relaxing day with lots to be grateful for...
I am really tired tonight. I have been lazy mostly all day. We went to church this morning and then to lunch at my parents. After I came home I straightened house and did laundry. Watched a LIFETIME movie. It was pretty good. Tommy went hunting this afternoon the boys played outside all afternoon. Eli went to church with friend tonight too. I cooked and we ate dinner together. The boys are bathed and I am going to take a shower, enjoy my blackberry cobbler I made earlier, watch Desperate Housewives and then CRASH! I am tired and I have a longgggg and busy week ahead of me! So for now here is a few things I have to be grateful for today. I have way to many list.
* Church... it ROCKED TODAY! I loved the message!
* Yummy lunch with my parents. They are so sweet to cook for us each Sunday.
* LIFETIME movies on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
* My sweet Bleeze who smells so good and clean ready for me to read him his Goodnight Moon for the millionth time.
* Blackberry Cobbler that smells SO good baking in the oven right now.
* Church... it ROCKED TODAY! I loved the message!
* Yummy lunch with my parents. They are so sweet to cook for us each Sunday.
* LIFETIME movies on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
* My sweet Bleeze who smells so good and clean ready for me to read him his Goodnight Moon for the millionth time.
* Blackberry Cobbler that smells SO good baking in the oven right now.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Auditions, Soccer Games, Funnies, etc ( oh and some gratitude)
Today started early. Eli had an audition at The Academy of Arts. He ROCKED it! (of course) That took more time than I expected. Bleeze has been quiet the handful today. I think that he has gotten in trouble more today than ever. (It is not full moon either) After the audition we went to Hobby Lobby. Then this afternoon Eli had a soccer game. He played awesome! The Vipers wonthis week 3-2. They have their last game next Saturday and then the sports banquet on Sunday. Bleeze fell asleep on the way home from the game and slept until 6.
I watched the Tigers (Clemson) play some this afternoon. UGGHH! I cooked dinner and then mom said the boys could stay with her because they did not want to go grocery shopping with me. I jumped on that. Tommy went to the gym and I got a full 2 hours to myself shopping at Walmart! THAT ROCKED! ( I would have been out sooner but the cashier literally took 50 minutes to ring up the woman in front of me and myself. I could have cried it took so long...God love her)
Oh... gotta funny for all of you! As I said earlier, Bleeze has been a handful today. We were eating dinner and he was quiet as a mouse. The dog was sitting in his usual place beside the table. All of sudden, Bleeze picks up his dinner roll and throws it and hits the dog. OMG! I thought I would die. I was trying to not to laugh but that dog jumped 50 feet in the air it scared him so bad. I do not know what came over Bleeze. I said, "Bleeze we do NOT throw food, and we don't hit the dog either. WHY DID YOU DO THAT????" He looked and me and said, "cause I fwelt (felt) like it" I thought I would die. By this time Tommy and Eli are rolling on the floor. OH MY the joy of boys.
So tonight I enjoyed a little alone time at the grocery store. Now I am just chillin like a villain. Looking forward tomorrow. Now for some gratitude...
* Pretty Christmas decorations in Hobby Lobby. Made me get the holiday spirit more..."tis the season to be jolly"
* Vipers soccer... Eli ROCKS as goalie and sweeper.
* The laugh I got at dinner when Bleeze threw the dinner roll....
* Alone time at the grocery store.
* For Brandi bringing up Tropical trail mix..(I bought some tonight and I have eaten so much I feel sick)
* My boys...even though they fuss and fight sometimes. I know they love each other so much. Tonight Eli was upset over something and Bleeze hugged him and said, "It's going to be okay, Eli" Eli said, "I know, thanks bub" ................sniff...sniff...sniff
I watched the Tigers (Clemson) play some this afternoon. UGGHH! I cooked dinner and then mom said the boys could stay with her because they did not want to go grocery shopping with me. I jumped on that. Tommy went to the gym and I got a full 2 hours to myself shopping at Walmart! THAT ROCKED! ( I would have been out sooner but the cashier literally took 50 minutes to ring up the woman in front of me and myself. I could have cried it took so long...God love her)
Oh... gotta funny for all of you! As I said earlier, Bleeze has been a handful today. We were eating dinner and he was quiet as a mouse. The dog was sitting in his usual place beside the table. All of sudden, Bleeze picks up his dinner roll and throws it and hits the dog. OMG! I thought I would die. I was trying to not to laugh but that dog jumped 50 feet in the air it scared him so bad. I do not know what came over Bleeze. I said, "Bleeze we do NOT throw food, and we don't hit the dog either. WHY DID YOU DO THAT????" He looked and me and said, "cause I fwelt (felt) like it" I thought I would die. By this time Tommy and Eli are rolling on the floor. OH MY the joy of boys.
So tonight I enjoyed a little alone time at the grocery store. Now I am just chillin like a villain. Looking forward tomorrow. Now for some gratitude...
* Pretty Christmas decorations in Hobby Lobby. Made me get the holiday spirit more..."tis the season to be jolly"
* Vipers soccer... Eli ROCKS as goalie and sweeper.
* The laugh I got at dinner when Bleeze threw the dinner roll....
* Alone time at the grocery store.
* For Brandi bringing up Tropical trail mix..(I bought some tonight and I have eaten so much I feel sick)
* My boys...even though they fuss and fight sometimes. I know they love each other so much. Tonight Eli was upset over something and Bleeze hugged him and said, "It's going to be okay, Eli" Eli said, "I know, thanks bub" ................sniff...sniff...sniff
Friday, November 7, 2008
Today has been good. We spent some time with Eric this morning had lunch with him and my parents and the Ward girls. That was fun. I did laundry this afternoon and then we went out to eat at Joe's Crab Shack for dinner. I have spent most of this evening on the computer with Eli. We watched a zillion laughing baby videos on Youtube. That was fun. So for now, I am signing off. Going to show some gratitude and go to bed. Eli has an audition in the morning and a 2pm soccer game. Hope everyone's weekend ROCKS!
Grateful today for.
*Great lunch with my family and friends.
* The smell of Downy w/ Febreze..ahhh..smells so good.
* Gas for 1.99 per gallon...YAYHOO!
* Dinner with my family tonight! My boys are precious. They loved watching the staff at Joe's dance every thirty minutes.
* Fun times with Eli on the computer tonight. His laughter makes me smile.
Grateful today for.
*Great lunch with my family and friends.
* The smell of Downy w/ Febreze..ahhh..smells so good.
* Gas for 1.99 per gallon...YAYHOO!
* Dinner with my family tonight! My boys are precious. They loved watching the staff at Joe's dance every thirty minutes.
* Fun times with Eli on the computer tonight. His laughter makes me smile.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
so grateful...
Today I am so grateful for...
* Fun play dates with Brandi and her girls and Beth and her kiddos!!!
* My brother being home for two days. Enjoyed hanging out with him this afternoon.
* Bible study tonight. I was so deeply moved by the ladies testimonies. I cried a river.
* Being able to come home and kiss the three most awesome boys in the world.. Tommy, Eli and Bleeze!
* Fun play dates with Brandi and her girls and Beth and her kiddos!!!
* My brother being home for two days. Enjoyed hanging out with him this afternoon.
* Bible study tonight. I was so deeply moved by the ladies testimonies. I cried a river.
* Being able to come home and kiss the three most awesome boys in the world.. Tommy, Eli and Bleeze!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
my day and some gratitude..
I must admit I was pretty much glued to the news all day. Trying to feel overwhelmed and find out info for myself and not go by all the talk that is out there about Obama. It is what it is and that is that! LOL! All we can do is just pray (like we should always do, even if the candidate is not who we chose, we should still be praying) I am not going to be gloom and doom. I also refuse to let this consume me. I am going to be of good cheer!
I did homeschool, cleaned out the garage, sorted all the plastic recycle and bagged it up to take it to the drop tomorrow. I made a pretty yummy dinner and then we had date night tonight because Tommy did not get through voting until 9pm last night. God Bless him, he waited in line 3 hours to cast his vote!
So tonight was date night. I had Eli tonight. We were pressed tonight for time too because Tommy worked really late. I took him to Target and let him get a WEBKINZ because he was so patient at the voting center yesterday. He waited 2 hours and 20 minutes. GOD BLESS HIM! Bleeze rocked too. He sat in his stroller 2 hours so Daddy took him to Toys R Us to get the Mystery Machine to go with his Scooby Doo Dolls. Tommy and Bleeze went for ice cream. Eli and I went to sonic. He is allergic to dairy so we got slushies. I must say the cranberry juice slush ROCKS!!!
Target has some awesome holiday items already. I bought a cute snowflake cupcake/muffin pan, some holiday bowls. I am getting excited. Before Christmas though comes birthdays. I have to do my niece's cake next week. Eli's bday is in December so I have a party and cake to plan for that too!
Bleeze is watching the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown for about the 100th time. I actually caught him mouthing the words earlier. He has memorized the entire movie I think! LOL! He laughs so hard EVERY SINGLE time when Snoopy laughs. He loves it and I love him!
I think I will go show my gratitude for today and go to bed. I am tired. I look forward to the park tomorrow with Brandi and Beth. I can't wait to see my brother tomorrow. I hate he has to come for a funeral but I can't wait to see him. I just wish Jessica and Makenzie were coming with him. So for now here's my gratitude...
* Grateful for the awesome chicken salad I made for lunch today. It rocked!
* Grateful to be an American and see history take place.
* Grateful for my precious family and date nights!
* Grateful for my funny hubby that has his status on myspace right now as handsome! That he is! LOL!
* Grateful the Bleeze has fallen to to move him to his bed without waking him up.
*Grateful for God's grace and peace that surpasses all understanding!
I did homeschool, cleaned out the garage, sorted all the plastic recycle and bagged it up to take it to the drop tomorrow. I made a pretty yummy dinner and then we had date night tonight because Tommy did not get through voting until 9pm last night. God Bless him, he waited in line 3 hours to cast his vote!
So tonight was date night. I had Eli tonight. We were pressed tonight for time too because Tommy worked really late. I took him to Target and let him get a WEBKINZ because he was so patient at the voting center yesterday. He waited 2 hours and 20 minutes. GOD BLESS HIM! Bleeze rocked too. He sat in his stroller 2 hours so Daddy took him to Toys R Us to get the Mystery Machine to go with his Scooby Doo Dolls. Tommy and Bleeze went for ice cream. Eli and I went to sonic. He is allergic to dairy so we got slushies. I must say the cranberry juice slush ROCKS!!!
Target has some awesome holiday items already. I bought a cute snowflake cupcake/muffin pan, some holiday bowls. I am getting excited. Before Christmas though comes birthdays. I have to do my niece's cake next week. Eli's bday is in December so I have a party and cake to plan for that too!
Bleeze is watching the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown for about the 100th time. I actually caught him mouthing the words earlier. He has memorized the entire movie I think! LOL! He laughs so hard EVERY SINGLE time when Snoopy laughs. He loves it and I love him!
I think I will go show my gratitude for today and go to bed. I am tired. I look forward to the park tomorrow with Brandi and Beth. I can't wait to see my brother tomorrow. I hate he has to come for a funeral but I can't wait to see him. I just wish Jessica and Makenzie were coming with him. So for now here's my gratitude...
* Grateful for the awesome chicken salad I made for lunch today. It rocked!
* Grateful to be an American and see history take place.
* Grateful for my precious family and date nights!
* Grateful for my funny hubby that has his status on myspace right now as handsome! That he is! LOL!
* Grateful the Bleeze has fallen to to move him to his bed without waking him up.
*Grateful for God's grace and peace that surpasses all understanding!
I was asked to keep this moving. It is pretty awesome for those of us who were McCain supporters as well as those who were Obama! Pass it on if you like!
For all of us who believe in liberty, yesterday’s ballot offerings all over the country were hardly inspiring. Predictably, the results this morning may be more than a little dispiriting. Just in case you might be feeling somewhat “down” at the moment, let me offer what I hope will be some cheerful thoughts.
Eternal optimist though I am, I admit that when I looked at the morning papers the pessimist temptation briefly had me in its grip. Then I asked myself, “What good purpose could a defeatist attitude possibly provide? Will it make me work harder for the causes I know are right? Is there anything about liberty that yesterday’s election disproves? If I exude a pessimistic demeanor, will it help attract newcomers to the ideas I believe in? Is this the first time in history that believers in liberty have lost some battles? If we simply throw in the towel, will that enhance the prospects for future victories? Is our cause so menial as to justify deserting it because of some bad news or some new challenges? Do we turn back just because the hill we have to climb got a little steeper?
I think you know the answers to those questions.
This is NOT the time to abandon principles. I can’t speak for you but some day I want to go to my reward and be able to look back and say, “I never gave up. I never became part of the problem I tried to solve. I never gave the other side the luxury of winning anything without a fight. I never missed an opportunity to do my best for what I believed in, and it never mattered what the odds or the obstacles were.”
Let’s remember that we stand on the shoulders of many people who came before us and who persevered through far darker times. I think of the brave men and women behind the Iron Curtain who resisted the greatest tyranny of the modern age, and won. I think of those like Hayek and Mises who kept the flame of liberty flickering in the 1930s and ‘40s when the whole world must have seemed mad for statism in one form or another. I think of the heroes like Wilberforce and Clarkson who fought to end slavery and literally changed the conscience and character of a nation in the face of the most daunting of disadvantages. I think of the patriots who shed their blood for American liberty and suffered through unspeakable hardships as they took on the world’s most powerful nation in 1776. I think of martyrs of the Reformation. And I think of the Scots who, 456 years before the Declaration of Independence, put their lives on the line to repel English invaders with these stirring words: “It is not for honor or glory or wealth that we fight, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.”
As I thought about what some of those great men and women faced, the obstacles before us today seemed rather puny. I’m ashamed that for a moment I let a little election get me down.
If you want my advice, we should not squander a second feeling bad for ourselves. This is a moment when our true character, the stuff we’re really made of, will show itself. If we retreat, that would tell me we were never really worthy of the battle in the first place. But if we resolve to let these tough times build character, teach us to be better and smarter at what we do, and rally our dispirited friends to new levels of dedication, we will look back on this occasion some day with pride at how we handled it. It’s already past 9 am. Have you made any calls to cheer anybody up yet?
Believe me, the folks who for the moment are basking in victory and salivating for the opportunities they may soon have to deploy more force and coercion in our lives are not divinely-inspired geniuses. They are not going to be the first bunch in the history of the planet to figure out how to make big government work. They are far more likely, in fact, to give those who believe in liberty some unique opportunities to drive home our arguments with more eloquence and effect than ever before. When they flop, will the right ideas be lying around, ready to go, to make change for the better? That depends on us. Will we rise to the occasion?
Use this time to think about how you can do more for liberty and do it better, reaching larger audiences in ways that turn lights on people’s minds. Support others who are working full-time on liberty’s behalf. INspire, don’t EXpire!
So in the course of a few hours, I’m happy to say I’ve traversed from a moment of despair to a smile and a sunny optimism, to an eagerness to accept the challenge and get down to work. To all those out there who are hoping people like you and me will go quietly into the night, just keep thinking that. You’re in for some unexpected surprises.
Onward and upward!
Lawrence W. Reed
Foundation for Economic Education
30 S. Broadway
Irvington, NY 10533
Phone: 914-591-7230
Fax: 914-591-8910
President Emeritus
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
140 W. Main St.
Midland, MI 48640
For all of us who believe in liberty, yesterday’s ballot offerings all over the country were hardly inspiring. Predictably, the results this morning may be more than a little dispiriting. Just in case you might be feeling somewhat “down” at the moment, let me offer what I hope will be some cheerful thoughts.
Eternal optimist though I am, I admit that when I looked at the morning papers the pessimist temptation briefly had me in its grip. Then I asked myself, “What good purpose could a defeatist attitude possibly provide? Will it make me work harder for the causes I know are right? Is there anything about liberty that yesterday’s election disproves? If I exude a pessimistic demeanor, will it help attract newcomers to the ideas I believe in? Is this the first time in history that believers in liberty have lost some battles? If we simply throw in the towel, will that enhance the prospects for future victories? Is our cause so menial as to justify deserting it because of some bad news or some new challenges? Do we turn back just because the hill we have to climb got a little steeper?
I think you know the answers to those questions.
This is NOT the time to abandon principles. I can’t speak for you but some day I want to go to my reward and be able to look back and say, “I never gave up. I never became part of the problem I tried to solve. I never gave the other side the luxury of winning anything without a fight. I never missed an opportunity to do my best for what I believed in, and it never mattered what the odds or the obstacles were.”
Let’s remember that we stand on the shoulders of many people who came before us and who persevered through far darker times. I think of the brave men and women behind the Iron Curtain who resisted the greatest tyranny of the modern age, and won. I think of those like Hayek and Mises who kept the flame of liberty flickering in the 1930s and ‘40s when the whole world must have seemed mad for statism in one form or another. I think of the heroes like Wilberforce and Clarkson who fought to end slavery and literally changed the conscience and character of a nation in the face of the most daunting of disadvantages. I think of the patriots who shed their blood for American liberty and suffered through unspeakable hardships as they took on the world’s most powerful nation in 1776. I think of martyrs of the Reformation. And I think of the Scots who, 456 years before the Declaration of Independence, put their lives on the line to repel English invaders with these stirring words: “It is not for honor or glory or wealth that we fight, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.”
As I thought about what some of those great men and women faced, the obstacles before us today seemed rather puny. I’m ashamed that for a moment I let a little election get me down.
If you want my advice, we should not squander a second feeling bad for ourselves. This is a moment when our true character, the stuff we’re really made of, will show itself. If we retreat, that would tell me we were never really worthy of the battle in the first place. But if we resolve to let these tough times build character, teach us to be better and smarter at what we do, and rally our dispirited friends to new levels of dedication, we will look back on this occasion some day with pride at how we handled it. It’s already past 9 am. Have you made any calls to cheer anybody up yet?
Believe me, the folks who for the moment are basking in victory and salivating for the opportunities they may soon have to deploy more force and coercion in our lives are not divinely-inspired geniuses. They are not going to be the first bunch in the history of the planet to figure out how to make big government work. They are far more likely, in fact, to give those who believe in liberty some unique opportunities to drive home our arguments with more eloquence and effect than ever before. When they flop, will the right ideas be lying around, ready to go, to make change for the better? That depends on us. Will we rise to the occasion?
Use this time to think about how you can do more for liberty and do it better, reaching larger audiences in ways that turn lights on people’s minds. Support others who are working full-time on liberty’s behalf. INspire, don’t EXpire!
So in the course of a few hours, I’m happy to say I’ve traversed from a moment of despair to a smile and a sunny optimism, to an eagerness to accept the challenge and get down to work. To all those out there who are hoping people like you and me will go quietly into the night, just keep thinking that. You’re in for some unexpected surprises.
Onward and upward!
Lawrence W. Reed
Foundation for Economic Education
30 S. Broadway
Irvington, NY 10533
Phone: 914-591-7230
Fax: 914-591-8910
President Emeritus
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
140 W. Main St.
Midland, MI 48640
repost....perry noble says it best
I posted this before the election and now I am reposting because I think he says it best.....
Frustrated With Politics & ChristiansI've just about had enough…and am so glad I left the country yesterday…that way I don't have to listen to this crap anymore.And no, I'm not talking about the politicians and their crazy adds on television that are right in line with a middle school "yo mama" fight!I'm talking about the Christians who have prostituted themselves with the political process and taken their eyes off of Jesus as their Savior and put them on either McCain or Obama as their Savior.It's STUPID! Should we have a political opinion as Christians? HECK YES! Should we vote? ABSOLUTELY! I think a Christian who doesn't vote is completely missing an opportunity that God has blessed us with as citizens of this country.BUT…we can't actually think that the salvation process is tied to who happens to be in the White House!In reading through the Gospels the other day something HIT ME like a ton of bricks…the Jews missed the fact that Jesus was the Messiah because they were looking for someone to deliver them from the politics of Rome.Let me say it more clearly–they missed Jesus because of politics!!! (And religion as well…but that's another post!)For a Christian to claim that the world is going to be doomed to hell because a particular party happens to "control" the White House is a slap in the face of a Sovereign God.He reigns! Read through Scripture & it is so clear…God has used kings and princes that were sold out to Him…and He's also used those who had no love for Him at all…all for HIS glory!So…next Tuesday…go vote! "For who," you ask…well, here's an idea…ask Jesus who to vote for…and then do what He says. (Yes, it REALLY is that simple.)Then…whoever gets elected…PRAY FOR THAT MAN OFTEN! Even if the guy you want to win doesn't…all the more reason to pray!One more time…YES, we should have political opinions…and YES, it is OK if they are strong AND we believe in the cause…BUT PLEASE let's not make the mistake of thinking that God is somehow limited by the policies and philosophies of a particular party!
Frustrated With Politics & ChristiansI've just about had enough…and am so glad I left the country yesterday…that way I don't have to listen to this crap anymore.And no, I'm not talking about the politicians and their crazy adds on television that are right in line with a middle school "yo mama" fight!I'm talking about the Christians who have prostituted themselves with the political process and taken their eyes off of Jesus as their Savior and put them on either McCain or Obama as their Savior.It's STUPID! Should we have a political opinion as Christians? HECK YES! Should we vote? ABSOLUTELY! I think a Christian who doesn't vote is completely missing an opportunity that God has blessed us with as citizens of this country.BUT…we can't actually think that the salvation process is tied to who happens to be in the White House!In reading through the Gospels the other day something HIT ME like a ton of bricks…the Jews missed the fact that Jesus was the Messiah because they were looking for someone to deliver them from the politics of Rome.Let me say it more clearly–they missed Jesus because of politics!!! (And religion as well…but that's another post!)For a Christian to claim that the world is going to be doomed to hell because a particular party happens to "control" the White House is a slap in the face of a Sovereign God.He reigns! Read through Scripture & it is so clear…God has used kings and princes that were sold out to Him…and He's also used those who had no love for Him at all…all for HIS glory!So…next Tuesday…go vote! "For who," you ask…well, here's an idea…ask Jesus who to vote for…and then do what He says. (Yes, it REALLY is that simple.)Then…whoever gets elected…PRAY FOR THAT MAN OFTEN! Even if the guy you want to win doesn't…all the more reason to pray!One more time…YES, we should have political opinions…and YES, it is OK if they are strong AND we believe in the cause…BUT PLEASE let's not make the mistake of thinking that God is somehow limited by the policies and philosophies of a particular party!
this is the day....
So last night I went to bed pretty sad! I am sad that John McCain did not win. I was brought to tears by John McCains speech. He was awesome, gracious, and so humble. I am sad that our country is so divided on moral and religious issues. I even almost let a little fear come over me! Then the scripture came to me "God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind" I can not allow this election to make me fearful. God is in control, he is greater than any man here on earth. He knows all and sees all. I read in several blogs this morning that many people feel more of an urgency to pray. That is awesome. Maybe God had to allow Obama to win so that his people will turn to him. For those of you who are believers the Bible is very clear as to what we should do...pray for our leaders. Life Obama up in prayer that God will direct him and be in control of all his decisions. I saw Obama more humble and aware of the task that face him in his speech last night. I am just afraid the "change" he promised people may never see because there are too many other issues that must be resolved.
God is in control. We just have to trust him. I trust him and I know he is going to take care of me and my family. So, I woke up this morning with a song in my heart....THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE I WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT!!! The election is what it is! It is over and all we can do is trust God with EVERYTHING! He has never left me or forsaken me and he will not do it now! HE ROCKS! I am going to repost the blog by Perry Noble. He said it best! Hope everyone has a great day....get out there and live your life, stand up for your beliefs, fight for what is right, love those around you, pray, and be blessed!!!!
God is in control. We just have to trust him. I trust him and I know he is going to take care of me and my family. So, I woke up this morning with a song in my heart....THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE I WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT!!! The election is what it is! It is over and all we can do is trust God with EVERYTHING! He has never left me or forsaken me and he will not do it now! HE ROCKS! I am going to repost the blog by Perry Noble. He said it best! Hope everyone has a great day....get out there and live your life, stand up for your beliefs, fight for what is right, love those around you, pray, and be blessed!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
bummed but still have some gratitude to show...
Feeling pretty bummed right now about the election. I just am going to be doing a lot of praying! (I need to anyway) I do have a funny though. Being in the politcal family and circle of friends that I am. Politics has been the topic of conversations for months now. Our house is always tuned into the news and keeping up with the election. This morning my sweet Bleeze said, "varak ovama, spends too much money on her clothes" LOL!!! I almost wet my pants.
So happy to hear baby Ava started walking tonight. SO SWEET! Bleeze took some pics this morning for Bella Bambinos ad in the Upstate Parent! Can't wait to see what they look like. So for now. Tommy waited 3 hours tonight to vote...poor thing! I had to take him a sweatshirt because he was cold from standing outside. The election is not the only thing got me down, I know somone who lost their baby yesterday(he was only a few days old) , Alison and Chris's sweet Conner is not doing well, and my sweet friend Kristen (proudmamma82 on cafemom) is in ICU with a blood clot in her lung. Lots of prayers going up!!! Well, I am too bummed to write anymore, I am going to go to bed and watch CNN and FOX all night. Good night!
I am still grateful even though I am bummed...
* Grateful for my sweet boys awesome behavior today while voting.
* For this awesome country and my right to vote! I did vote for John McCain!!!!!!!!!
* For my apple cinnamon candles I have lit tonight. They smell so yummy.
* For sweet tea!
*Even though it looks like Obama is going to be president, I can hold onto the scripture that "he has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind"
So happy to hear baby Ava started walking tonight. SO SWEET! Bleeze took some pics this morning for Bella Bambinos ad in the Upstate Parent! Can't wait to see what they look like. So for now. Tommy waited 3 hours tonight to vote...poor thing! I had to take him a sweatshirt because he was cold from standing outside. The election is not the only thing got me down, I know somone who lost their baby yesterday(he was only a few days old) , Alison and Chris's sweet Conner is not doing well, and my sweet friend Kristen (proudmamma82 on cafemom) is in ICU with a blood clot in her lung. Lots of prayers going up!!! Well, I am too bummed to write anymore, I am going to go to bed and watch CNN and FOX all night. Good night!
I am still grateful even though I am bummed...
* Grateful for my sweet boys awesome behavior today while voting.
* For this awesome country and my right to vote! I did vote for John McCain!!!!!!!!!
* For my apple cinnamon candles I have lit tonight. They smell so yummy.
* For sweet tea!
*Even though it looks like Obama is going to be president, I can hold onto the scripture that "he has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind"
My Voting Experience...
So today is the day. I have to say I am feeling very patriotic. I had to take Bleeze for a photo shoot this morning and then I headed to vote. The line was amazing. I am so glad that I am a A-K and not a L-Z. I waited 2 hours and 2 minutes. Not too bad considering some of the L-Z people had waited 4 hours. I took my boys...yes, I am a brave, brave soul. They WERE AWESOME!!!! Eli took his ipod and DS. I packed a bag with crayons, coloring books, snacks, drinks, books, magazine, and my ipod for Bleeze. He sat in his stroller and listened to Dora on the ipod for an hour. It was a blessing. They are both going to get treats tonight for being so good. There were a zillion children there. Eli actually sat on the wall with some of the kids and played. I haven't seen so many PSP, DS, ipods, etc. in all my life. It was very funny. Thank God for modern technology. LOL!
So I placed my vote ( I have made no bones about it, I VOTED MCCAIN/PALIN) I was so proud to check the box. As I left the polling booth I teared up. It is such an honor to be able to vote. To live in a country, the greatest country in the entire world! I explained this to my boys. Bleeze just listened but Eli asked questions. That is awesome! I am honored to be an American! No matter who you are voting for ( hopefully wink, wink) go vote. Take advantage of this awesome right that you have been given! May your experience be as beautiful as mine!
(I wonder if we will know the winner tonight????) I have a feeling we will not! Happy VOTING!!!
So I placed my vote ( I have made no bones about it, I VOTED MCCAIN/PALIN) I was so proud to check the box. As I left the polling booth I teared up. It is such an honor to be able to vote. To live in a country, the greatest country in the entire world! I explained this to my boys. Bleeze just listened but Eli asked questions. That is awesome! I am honored to be an American! No matter who you are voting for ( hopefully wink, wink) go vote. Take advantage of this awesome right that you have been given! May your experience be as beautiful as mine!
(I wonder if we will know the winner tonight????) I have a feeling we will not! Happy VOTING!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Reflections and some Gratitude
Tonight I sit thinking about tomorrow. One of the most important days ever. The day we will all go and cast our vote for our next president. I said all.....however, I heard today that there are many people who are still undecided or they have decided that they will not vote because they do not agree with either candidate. This is one of the craziest things I've ever heard. I cannot imagine not voting tomorrow. I have made no secret as to who I am voting for. For me the clear choice is John McCain. I cannot give a vote to someone I feel has no experience, has been associated with questionable people, is pro-choice, wants to raise taxes and spread the wealth, obviously does not understand the war (we need someone who understands the war), who chooses to have me rely on the government for everything, etc. The list goes on and on.... I have posted blog after blog with information about McCain. All I can do now is vote and pray. I pray that each of you have been given this extraordinary gift to go and vote will do it! GO VOTE TOMORROW (hopefully for John McCain...LOL)
okay, so I am through with my political blogs (maybe one or two more)!!! LOL! So today has been crazy. I have barely sat down at all. Tonight my legs and back are killing me. I homeschooled all morning. Both boys did very well today. We made some cute fall crafts too! I cleaned house all afternoon, did 4 loads of laundry, cooked a pretty awesome dinner if I say so myself, took and picked Eli up from soccer, and caught two of my favorite shows tonight. (Big Bang Theory and One Tree Hill) So today has been great!
Well, for now I am out of here. Going to show some gratitude and then I am going to do some reading. Hope everyone has a great night...GO VOTE!!!! ( for John McCain...LOL)
Grateful for:
* My two precious boys and being able to homeschool them
* My clean house...smells good!
* My good smelling clean clothes I washed today... I love febreze downy...ahhhh
* My hubby even though he is going to drive me insane until this election is over....
* The fact that I am a Free American with the great freedom of going to get to VOTE for the president of this great nation.
* Grateful for men like John McCain who is a proud American who has given his all of the country. I am proud to cast my vote for him tomorrow!!!
okay, so I am through with my political blogs (maybe one or two more)!!! LOL! So today has been crazy. I have barely sat down at all. Tonight my legs and back are killing me. I homeschooled all morning. Both boys did very well today. We made some cute fall crafts too! I cleaned house all afternoon, did 4 loads of laundry, cooked a pretty awesome dinner if I say so myself, took and picked Eli up from soccer, and caught two of my favorite shows tonight. (Big Bang Theory and One Tree Hill) So today has been great!
Well, for now I am out of here. Going to show some gratitude and then I am going to do some reading. Hope everyone has a great night...GO VOTE!!!! ( for John McCain...LOL)
Grateful for:
* My two precious boys and being able to homeschool them
* My clean house...smells good!
* My good smelling clean clothes I washed today... I love febreze downy...ahhhh
* My hubby even though he is going to drive me insane until this election is over....
* The fact that I am a Free American with the great freedom of going to get to VOTE for the president of this great nation.
* Grateful for men like John McCain who is a proud American who has given his all of the country. I am proud to cast my vote for him tomorrow!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday and Some Gratitude.....
Today has been good. We went to church this morning. It was good as always. Had fun in our little class too. After church we had a yummy lunch with my parents. After lunch Tommy headed to Union for some hunting. I had to go back to the church because Eli left his cell phone in the slide. LOL! So we had to go check lost and found for it. After we recovered the missing cell phone we went to the new Walmart on Pelham to buy some groceries. After grocery shopping we came home and the boys played outside while I straightened the house. I cooked dinner and then got the boys settled in for some Charlie Brown for Bleeze and Webkinz for Eli. I sat with Tommy while he ate his dinner and then we raided the candy basket from Halloween! LOL! I got the boys in bed early tonight. Well, it feels late because of the time change. I am watching Desperate Housewives now and then I am going to settle in bed with a book. I have a crazy busy week and I have to get up early in the morning. Hope everyone's week ROCKS!
My gratitude for today.
* church- It was really awesome today. I enjoyed it!
* my new facial cleaner and moisturizer......hope to stop some of the wrinkles.
* the sweet cars crocks that I bought for Bleeze today. He looks precious in them.
* dinner with my boys watching them talk back and forth to each other.
* chocolate from the candy bucket (especially since I have PMS) LOL!
My gratitude for today.
* church- It was really awesome today. I enjoyed it!
* my new facial cleaner and moisturizer......hope to stop some of the wrinkles.
* the sweet cars crocks that I bought for Bleeze today. He looks precious in them.
* dinner with my boys watching them talk back and forth to each other.
* chocolate from the candy bucket (especially since I have PMS) LOL!
This makes me cry....
I am still going to share this video. I know I have posted a lot about politics but it is so close to my heart. I worry about the future and safety of this country. I encourage you to take time to listen to this video. You can hear the true conviction and desire that he has to make this country greater. I think John McCain is "change we can trust". Everytime I listen to this it makes me cry. Here is to just 2 days left!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween, Soccer, Theater....MY LIFE! (and some gratitude)
My life has been crazy the past few days. Halloween was lots of fun. We had a lot going on. Eli had Drama Camp, we did a showing for chic affair at Lilypad
, the boys and I had lunch at Mutts (they love to watch the train go around the place), then we were ready for spooks! Tammy and Tony came over and we went trick or treating and then to my parents church of TRUNK TREATS and lots of fun! They jumped on jumpy rides and rode slides.
They even rode a toilet scooter. SO FUNNY! It was fun! We had dinner only to be interrupted by Eli and a belly ache (combination of things I think but thanks to go old GAS-X it did not last long. The boys had a blast.
I do however, feel the candy has had a HUGE effect on my sweet Bleeze. He has been a WILD boy all day. ESPECIALLY tonight! UGGHHH! Today was good Eli had a soccer game! GO VIPERS they won!!! Then I made a pound cake for dessert tonight. We had dinner at Mythos with my parents and Tommy's dad and Tammy. Then we went to Eli's play. Mary joined us there so Eli had all his grandparents there. SO GOOD! They did an awesome, awesome job. It was so good and can't wait for Silent Star at Christmas! After the play everyone came back here for dessert. The boys were wired!!!! So we have had an awesome couple of days. We got church tomorrow and then I plan on relaxing tomorrow afternoon! So for is my gratitude for the day.

* Soccer.... Eli played an awesome game today. Maybe one of the best games yet.
* That my cell phone and voice mail is fixed!
* The awesome Sock Monkey jack-in-the box my mom got Bleeze for Halloween. IT ROCKS and he loves it!
(he carried it around all day today...even to the soccer game)
*Charlie Brown movies...that calmed Bleeze down tonight.
* Eli's awesome play. He is so awesome. They always do a great job. I am so thankful for Homeschool Drama Camps!
* That all the family came to support my sweet boy. You guys ROCK!!!!
*the extra hour of sleep we get tonight

I do however, feel the candy has had a HUGE effect on my sweet Bleeze. He has been a WILD boy all day. ESPECIALLY tonight! UGGHHH! Today was good Eli had a soccer game! GO VIPERS they won!!! Then I made a pound cake for dessert tonight. We had dinner at Mythos with my parents and Tommy's dad and Tammy. Then we went to Eli's play. Mary joined us there so Eli had all his grandparents there. SO GOOD! They did an awesome, awesome job. It was so good and can't wait for Silent Star at Christmas! After the play everyone came back here for dessert. The boys were wired!!!! So we have had an awesome couple of days. We got church tomorrow and then I plan on relaxing tomorrow afternoon! So for is my gratitude for the day.

* Soccer.... Eli played an awesome game today. Maybe one of the best games yet.
* That my cell phone and voice mail is fixed!
* The awesome Sock Monkey jack-in-the box my mom got Bleeze for Halloween. IT ROCKS and he loves it!

(he carried it around all day today...even to the soccer game)
*Charlie Brown movies...that calmed Bleeze down tonight.
* Eli's awesome play. He is so awesome. They always do a great job. I am so thankful for Homeschool Drama Camps!
* That all the family came to support my sweet boy. You guys ROCK!!!!
*the extra hour of sleep we get tonight
Gratitude for Friday 31st
I was so busy they past few days that I did not post my gratitude....BAD GIRL! So here it goes
*Grateful for my sweet boys pouring kisses on me in the morning and screaming Happy Halloween!
*Grateful for finishing and delivering all those cupcakes to Lilypad.
*Grateful for some yummy comfort food at Mutts for lunch
*My beautiful boys and niece Lexi trick or treating and spending time with family.
* All of our family being together for Halloween together.
*Wonderful Halloween (despite Eli's belly ache, grateful it only lasted a few hours)
* So grateful for GAS-X for Eli! LOL!!!!!
*Grateful for my sweet boys pouring kisses on me in the morning and screaming Happy Halloween!
*Grateful for finishing and delivering all those cupcakes to Lilypad.
*Grateful for some yummy comfort food at Mutts for lunch
*My beautiful boys and niece Lexi trick or treating and spending time with family.
* All of our family being together for Halloween together.
*Wonderful Halloween (despite Eli's belly ache, grateful it only lasted a few hours)
* So grateful for GAS-X for Eli! LOL!!!!!
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