Saturday, August 9, 2008

Going to blogspot again

Okay, so I used to blog on blogspot all the time. I stopped because I had moved it onto my myspace. As of now I post my blog on myspace, cafemom, and facebook. So, I thought, why not make it four different places. So, I will now be posting on blogspot again. I have had several peeps ask me why I am not on there. Well, I have been....just not updating . I started to delete all my previous post on blogspot because they were from well over a year ago. Some of those memories I would just like to delete all together. However, I decided that it was history. I can go back and read about my life. Even if it makes me mad and sad. So for those of you who start reading my blog on blogspot you can check on the past year of my life at just click on my blog to read all of past. LOL! For everyone else on all my other sites who would like to catch up on my life from the past you can check it out at everyone can keep up with me....BIG HUGS TO ALL!!!

1 comment:

candacestone said...

i am sorry our memories make you mad and sad!!! i think back and they were precious!!!