Our weekend was good and for the most part relaxed which is unusual for us. Friday afternoon we set up for Anna's party! It looked amazing. Friday evening was the party. It was so much fun! Bleeze had a BLAST! (so did Eli) The party went great. The dress up party was tons of fun. Bleeze was a puppy and Eli was a Storm Trooper. The face painter was AMAZING!!!! I even got my face painted! When we got in the van to go home, Bleeze said, "that was the best party ever."

Saturday morning we woke up and took the boys to the Flea Market. They like to go and just walk around. We did not buy anything.( no actually Bleeze got a stuffed puppy and eli boiled pnuts) Just browsed looked at all the "junk". We went in hope of fresh blueberries but there were none. After our adventure at the flea market we met my parents at Red Robin. YUMO! However, I really do not recommend the turkey burger, I don't think that it is real meat. LOL! After lunch Tommy was so sweet. He pulled over to Ann Taylor Loft and sat with the boys and let me go in and shop. :o)!!! I got me an awesome shirt!
Saturday late afternoon the boys spent playing outside. The weather has been wonderful here. Then Tommy and I went on our date night. We went to Liberty Tap Room! I really like that place. Then we walked from there (the baseball fields downtown to the Hyatt) GREAT WORK OUT IN HEELS!!! My calves were sore the next day! LOL! I love Greenville. It is so pretty. We even bought candy and sat on the benches and ate a few pieces and watched the peeps go by. So much fun! Okay, so you know you are an old married couple that after your romantic walk through the city you go to Walmart and buy groceries. LOL!!!!
Yesterday was nice and relaxing too! We went to church. I enjoyed the sermon. I heard one of the best explanations as to why we belive the Old Testament. Okay, I have had class after class, college classes, ministerial classes, etc. and I had NEVER heard this one! It is so simple, JESUS BELIEVED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT! Notice how many times he quoted while here on earth!AWESOME !!!!! After first service we headed out to teach our little class. So precious as always. I think it made Tommy's day when Chloe gave him a HUGE hug and said, "I love you" ahhhh precious! We had an AMAZING lunch at my parents as usual! YUMO! Then we went home and did absolutely nothing. Bleeze napped, Eli played with a friend, and I watched TLC and MTV (top model marathon) and did laundry. It was so nice. Tommy went out and measured some jobs and then we took the boys to Wendy's they are really into that right now for some reason. Eli likes the "stackers" he calls them "snackers" LOL!!! Then we headed home for showers! Tommy went to the gym and I got the boys in bed. It was a nice relaxing day! So today starts a new week! It is filled with the usual...soccer, tennis, cake class, Bible study, and I think I may get to meet Chuck Norris this week (seriously)! So for now. I am going to go. I have some other things to blog about but I will get to that later. Hope everyone has an awesome week!!!
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