Oh it has been fun, hectic, stressful, and such a wonderful blessing the past few days. I haven't blogged in several days. I am doing good to get sleep I have been so busy. As I stated in my earlier post my focus was Eli's bday party. So Thursday I got everything done here at home that needed to be done for the weekend and then Thursday afternoon we made Christmas cookies. The boys had a blast. They were so excited to use some of my cake decorating tools. They both thought they were grown. I will say that Eli was very good at it. You will notice there are several with just HUGE blogs on top....(those would be Bleeze) LOL!!!!

Friday morning Bleeze and I did a lot of errand running for Eli's birthday party while Eli

So this starts a new week, the week before Christmas. It should be fun! Eli has drama camp everyday and his play is all this weekend. We have lots of other things to look forward too also! I can't wait for Brandi's cookie swap tomorrow evening and I really can't wait for my brother, sisterinlaw and my sweet niece Makenzie to be home for Christmas. So for now....everyone have fun celebrating Jesus birthday these next few days!!!!
Friday morning Bleeze and I did a lot of errand running for Eli's birthday party while Eli
was at drama camp. After picking Eli up and doing a few more errands we came home and I put Bleeze down for his nap. I took advantage of that time and organized EVERYTHING for the party. I thought I was way ahead of the game......(more details to come)......Friday night we had dinner downtown with Tammy and Tony at Mellow Mushroom. It was yummy however, my boys were way to hyper. Eli talked WAY TOO much and Bleeze was just crazy! Sorry Nana and Papa! So we came home and I thought I would start Eli's cake. I was ahead of the game and I wanted to stay on top of things. WRONpG! OH MY LORD! It was the cake from you know where!!!! I was up until 3am trying to fix it! I thought the mission was accomplished.....I woke up Saturday morning to a nightmare.
Saturday morning 6am....uggh... I get up and start working on the cake again. I discover that the yellow in the icing on the bottom had faded and the top layer looked like a big ball of sunshine. The cake looked like a clown cake. It was horrible. My mom came over and we fooled around with that stupid cake until 3pm. I was ready to throw it in the garbage and head to Publix. LOL!
Saturday evening we enjoyed church with my parents at their church. It was a Christmas program and it was nice to see friends and enjoy dinner afterwards too! :0)
Sunday was the big day!!! My sweet boy Eli turned the big 10! It seems like yesterday he was born and I was holding him in my arms bawling my eyes out. Now he only lacks a few inches being taller than me. I would say this time next year he will be taller than me. We woke him up to our usual family singing (poor thing) Bleeze was so excited this year. He finally understands. He opened all his gifts in bed he loved his Webkinz from Bleeze! He also loved our gift. We got him some new shoes he had wanted, a digital camera, and a wonderful lightsaber! He really thinks he is a Jedi. LOL!
We enjoyed lunch with my parents. My mom made all his favorites I especially enjoyed the M & M dream bars for dessert. What is funny is one day when i was preggo with Eli I craved them all day long. My mom made me some and I ate an entire pan by myself. Now it is one of his favorite things.
We had his party last night. It was fun. He had it at Fuddrucker's. He was so happy to have all his friends and family there. I loved watching him. What was so funny is that he wanted to wear a tie to his party. He doesn't even dress up for church. LOL! He looked precious. He is such a big boy now. I love him bunches! I am very proud of the fine young man I know he is becoming. His energy, love, compassion, and passion for life inspire me everyday!
So this starts a new week, the week before Christmas. It should be fun! Eli has drama camp everyday and his play is all this weekend. We have lots of other things to look forward too also! I can't wait for Brandi's cookie swap tomorrow evening and I really can't wait for my brother, sisterinlaw and my sweet niece Makenzie to be home for Christmas. So for now....everyone have fun celebrating Jesus birthday these next few days!!!!
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