I cannot believe how long it has been since I did a blog. I used to be so good about blogging everyday and sometimes twice maybe even three times a day. I have to get back into the habit it really helps me keep my thoughts together. I will give a quick run down of what all I've been up to for the past few weeks. Let's see...hum. We had Eli's fusion kick off. Fusion is the middle school group at our church. I can't believe how big he has gotten. He is so excited and he loves thinking of himself being in "student ministry department" and not children's ministry anymore. He loves that he doesn't have to be checked in and out anymore and he does it himself. He is so funny.
Brandi and I also did the Wedding Festival at the Carolina First Center. AWESOME! Brought us lots of brides. It is always worth it! That is one reason I have not blogged. We have been extremely busy. We have had tons of meetings and events. Events including 150 contra dancers (so fun to watch), Hillcrest class of 1984 class reunion, baby showers, Belle Brunch, God is REALLY blessing us!
Last Friday I had a car accident. A lady backed into me three times pulling out of parking space at Dunkin Doughnuts while I was in the drive thru. Scared my Bleeze to death. He cried forever. it really messed my van up bad. I am enjoying the rental though. It is loaded with all the bells and whistles. I am really enjoying the satellite radio. I am going to hate giving it back. LOL! I am just thankful that we are all okay.
We also enjoyed our annual trip to the apple farm. So much fun but this year it was EXTREMELY HOT!!!! Whew.... we had fun though and really enjoyed the yummy apple cidar doughnuts.

Eli got glasses. He had to wear them at first all the time and then in a few weeks he wears them during school, reading, computer, tv, anything upclose. He looks so cute in them. He also got to serve at church last Sunday. The boys in his group stayed after service and help clean the grounds. The dumped trash, etc. They had fun in the process and really enjoyed their pizza lunch.

We had the trip from HELL to the dentist with Bleeze. He had two cavities. One between his two front teeth and one on a molar. He was so brave. He did not even cry during the painful shot between his two front teeth and then they took the happy gas off. Needless to say... he was NOT happy. He cried so pitiful. He did not show out but he cried a ton. They are wanting to put him under to do the other tooth. However, I am not liking that idea and after discussing it with several others in dentistry, we may a see another dentist before we go to those extremes.
I have also been enjoying the new fall ladies Bible study at Grace. Annointed, Transformed and Redeemed. It is amazing (as always) I can't wait for each Thursday night. I also enjoy my Thursday night dinner each week with Brandi at Midtown Deli! That's our Bible Study spot! LOL!
Tomorrow Eli goes to Look Up Lodge for fusion fall retreat. He is so excited. I on the other hand am a nervous wreck. I am having to remember what Bill White said to me a few months ago. I have to just trust that God is with him and that he is doing what God created him to do.
So tomorrow, I will drop Eli off and then I plan to take my sweet Bleeze to the Farmer's Market. We spent the day together today too. It was fun. Strange not having Eli. He went to help build a deck with Tommy and my Dad at the lake today. Bleeze and I enjoyed lunch at Arizonia Steakhouse with Nanny Mary and some shopping. Bleeze even stayed with her at her house and I was able to enjoy some down time and go to Hobby Lobby and Walmart ALONE! That is a mini vacation! LOL! Bleeze and I also enjoyed a trip to the Pet Store. It was so fun! I wanted to get him the French Bulldog...she was a little out of price range though $2000......yikes! This evening we enjoyed a trip to the mall with my mom and then we went to Monterray's for dinner. So yummy!

Okay, so I totally got off my weekend plans there. I plan on cleaning house and then getting more things together for STyle Swap Consignment Sale. It is going to be awesome this season. Hope some of you decide to consign or at least come shop.
I also went back dark with my hair... ha..it has some red in it also.

Well, there is a quick update. I am getting ready to CRASH! Hope everything is well with everyone and Happy Weekend.