Oh So much fun today! The 4th has been great! SO PROUD to be an American! I know we always say that but today, I have really thought about. Even though to some it seems to some that the country is going to hell in hand basket. We are still extremely blessed. Things could be so much worse. Just read the news. We are country that is blessed beyond measure. I am praying that God continues to bless us and just continues to pour his blessings out on our country. I am not ready to give it over to the dogs yet. I know my God is way bigger than that!
My day started out early. Went to Walmart to pick up some items for our lunch cookout and got some doughnuts! Bleeze was so excited. He loves him some Krispy Kreme! Then we came home and had a cookout lunch with my family. We had fun and the Townhouse chocolate cake my mom made was SOOO good! I was proud of myself though.... ONLY half a piece! I could have eaten half the cake! LOL! After lunch we all watched Blart, Mall Cop! Oh how funny!!! I laughed my head off!

After my parents left hit was clean up time and then we headed out to Heritage Park in Simpsonville. We had such a nice time. We had so much fun! Tommy and I agreed that it was the best 4th of July we ever had. The Greenville Symphony Orchestra was there playing patriotic music. They were AMAZING! (I enjoyed the tribute to Michael Jackson too) The food was very yummy too. Soby's food always ROCKS! THANKS TAMMY AGAIN!
The civil war peeps were there firing off cannons. EARTH SHAKING CANNONS! Poor Bleeze, he asked 5 million times when the fireworks were going to start. He fell asleep before they started and slept all the way through. He slept through the entire EARTH SHAKING CANN
ONS!!! I could not believe it.

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