OK... It has been a bit since my last blog. I had to take a break and try to regain my focus. I can't say that I am back 100% but nevertheless, I am back at doing something. Thanks to all of you who have sent me messages saying you have missed my blog. I am sure that some of you have not. LOL!
Okay, what has been going on in my life? Well, we have been SUPER busy. The loom is just about 3 weeks from our grand opening. We are VERY excited about all the renovations and excitement! Open house is August 15th and we can't wait to share with everyone this beautiful, hip yet very historic venue! It is amazing!!
Last week we had tons of meetings, networking events and so much more. I just sit back and see how God is blessing and it truly blows me away. God is so faithful. He never ceases to amaze me.
Friday night we had dinner with Mary and Jeff at American Pie Factory. It was yummy but I have to admit I think I am still very partial to Bertolo's it is so good. As I type this I wish I had a huge piece of pizza right now. YUMMY!!!
Saturday, Brandi and I went to IKEA in Charlotte. We got some beautiful things for the LOOM
not to mention had a blast in the process. We had a great time. Another adventure down in the books. LOL! Saturday night I took sweet Bleeze to pick out our items for the school supply drive at church. He was simply precious. He had to pick every item on the list. Of course, he wanted to get everything in green because that is his favorite color. What was even more precious was taking the bag to drop it off on Sunday. He was so concerned that the supplies were not going to get to the children who need them. He was so proud! I could just eat him up.
The sermon at church Sunday was simply amazing. Matt hit it out of the park! He talked about pride. Holy Sha-moly! I love going to church, getting what I needed and taking it with me all week long. I have been convicted of things all week. THAT ROCKS!!! I love the saying "let Me humility outshine my pride" AWESOME stuff ! It was baptism week also at Grace. That is always so beautiful to me. I was mess from crying so much by the time I left church.
Sunday afternoon I actually managed to sit down for 1 1/2 hours and watch a move. We watched the movie NEW IN TOWN. So cute! I loved it. Then Tony, Tammy, Lexi and Jordan came over for dinner. We had a good time! My boys started VBS at my parents church. They have enjoyed it this week. Bleeze did cry tonight but he was fine after it was all over with.
Monday night we took the boys to Bible School and then grabbed dinner at Great Bay Oyster Bar in Greer. AWESOME!!! Go try it if you live near here. It is amazing. Tommy headed over to help John at the LOOM , I grabbed the boys and we crashed.
Tuesday, I had lunch with Julie! Thanks girl! I left our lunch feeling like David (I could have ran through a troop and leaped over a wall) All our conversation lifted my spirits like you would not believe. Thanks again! Can't wait for Friday.
I am so thankful for my Dad. He has really been helping me with the boys while we get everything set up for the LOOM! It has been great. I hate is not working right now but it has been a great help to me. I know God is going to send him the perfect job before long.
Today I worked at the LOOM meeting with clients, vendors, and sales peeps. Brandi and I are loving our new loft space. It is going to be huge help to all of us. Check out our website
http://www.theloomatcottonmillplace.com/So there is a catch up on my life. I promise I will get back to writing something other than updates but for those of you who asked for it here it is! LOL!
So for now, I am finally starting to feel sleepy. I have watched Golden Girls (one of my favorites for hours now) LOL! Going to hopefully get some sleep now and I will try to stay caught up.
So for now, I am off to sleepy town. Have a great night peeps!