Sunday, April 26, 2009
Spring Sundays....the best
I just love Sundays. They are typically our day together as a family. I love going to worship my creator. I love to see my boys face as we pick them up from church and see that the joy of the Lord has been poured into them. It is priceless. Today has been extra sweet! After church we planted our garden. I think planting the garden with the boys is one of the most rewarding things we can do. It is a great way to see your work and labor bring about great rewards. We have corn, squash, cucumbers, okra, tomatoes, jalapeno es, bell peppers, zucchini, and I can't remember what else. The boys had so much fun and then to top it all off the ice cream truck came through the neighborhood today. The just love it when the ice cream truck comes. I can remember when it would come when I was a kid. I always, always got so excited! I can remember getting a grape snow cone and enjoying it with my grandmother on hot afternoons....ahh....memories. That's what we made today!!!!

Viper Soccer Tournament
The soccer tournament has been all weekend. I have to admit that it has been VERY hot! Not as hot as in past years, but hot! The boys played really well. They did not win this year but they played well. Eli is kinda bummed because many of his team mates have decided to try out for traveling teams and they will be breaking the players up. Eli has decided not to try out. Not that I don't think he will make it. I just feel like it is to time consuming and may not be a healthy choice for our family from all aspects. I want he to be able to be free and do the things he enjoys doing. Enjoy some photos from this weekend!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Tim!
We enjoyed the evening with Tommy's best friend Tim and his family and friends tonight. We had a yummy dinner at Logan's to celebrate Tim's birthday. No birthday is complete without cake (of course) so I brought the cake (of course). I did the cake as Batman! Tim's favorite super hero! We had a nice time and it was good to see old friends! Only one week until Tommy's birthday!!!!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Well, I lied. I made a vow to try to keep up with my blogging. I haven't kept that vow. God forgive me (I know not what I do) LOL! Once again I find myself blogging about my crazy, hectic schedule. That's life for me though. Many people have asked me over the past few weeks if I ever slow down or how do I keep on going so much. I think I thrive better if I am busy. I don't like to just sit. LOL! I will admit though that I am NO where near as busy as I used to be. Years ago I used to really overextend myself. So for an update...
We have been busy with soccer, meeting with cake clients, making cakes, and preparing for StyleSwap. I am telling you, Upstate SC ladies, you do not want to miss this opportunity to make some extra cash. Let me know if you want contracts for consigning, vending, advertising, etc.
Brandi and I did the Switcharoos Anderson this past weekend. It was fun hanging out. I do have to say that it is nowhere near the scale of the Greenville event but it was good.I made me some cash off of some of my baby equipment. Not only where we vendors but we also consigned. So sad to see my bassinett hoo! That is why I am encouraging all you ladies to be a part of StyleSwap!!!!
Brandi and I also had a killer cake this past weekend. We worked on that cake for 48 hours. LITERALLY!!!!
Saturday night I got a date night with my sweetheart. We had dinner and went to see Larry the Cable guy. LOL!!!! I thought I would die I laughed so hard. It was fun times!
Sunday, we started a new study on Ecclesasties at church. AWESOME, AMAZING!!! I really need this study right now in my life and I am looking forward to it!
Monday night we enjoyed celebrating my Dad's birthday. He made an excellent choice for dinner. Red Lobster! YUMO! I made him a chocolate/pnut butter cake and it tasted pretty good but a ton of the peanut butter icing melted because of the heat! UGGGH
Yesterday was Earth day. As a homeschooling mom I took the opportunity to focus on creation and the glory and splendor of this world. I mean people, take a look around you...bad economy, bad politics, bad morals, etc. The thing about it....NONE OF THIS IS NEW!!!! We have always had these hard times, shoot, since Adam and Eve the world has not been perfect from the human level. Take time though and look at it spirtually.....even though this world is not our home and we have so much more to look forward to. We are tremendously blessed!!! Our earth is beautiful. We went to see the movie EARTH. I was so pleased. It was not ful of political propaganda or even environmental undertones. It did have some sad parts when you experience the "circle of life" LOL! However, just looking at God's creation was amazing. Eli was blown away. In his words, "there are no words to describe God, amazing doesn't even do it". So next time you are worried about the economy, politics, or whatever drags your mind away take a look around you. If you look at all of those things you may not see God anywhere but HE IS EVERYWHERE. "all creation dances before his thrown" look around and see the beauty of the seasons changing, the magnificiant colors, and beauty that is EVERYWHERE! It is like Tommy said the other day, "you can see God's glory and splendor, even in the rain".
So for now, I am going to go... I made some yummy fruit dip and I need to cut up our fruit and get ready to cook dinner. Hope to hit the tanning bed and work out tonight! Hope all is well for everyone.....Eli has a soccer tournament this weekend and I have cake to bake. We hope to plant our flowers and garden in between everything else we have to do!
Off to spend some time in God's beauty outside!!!!
We have been busy with soccer, meeting with cake clients, making cakes, and preparing for StyleSwap. I am telling you, Upstate SC ladies, you do not want to miss this opportunity to make some extra cash. Let me know if you want contracts for consigning, vending, advertising, etc.
Brandi and I did the Switcharoos Anderson this past weekend. It was fun hanging out. I do have to say that it is nowhere near the scale of the Greenville event but it was good.I made me some cash off of some of my baby equipment. Not only where we vendors but we also consigned. So sad to see my bassinett hoo! That is why I am encouraging all you ladies to be a part of StyleSwap!!!!
Brandi and I also had a killer cake this past weekend. We worked on that cake for 48 hours. LITERALLY!!!!
Saturday night I got a date night with my sweetheart. We had dinner and went to see Larry the Cable guy. LOL!!!! I thought I would die I laughed so hard. It was fun times!
Sunday, we started a new study on Ecclesasties at church. AWESOME, AMAZING!!! I really need this study right now in my life and I am looking forward to it!
Monday night we enjoyed celebrating my Dad's birthday. He made an excellent choice for dinner. Red Lobster! YUMO! I made him a chocolate/pnut butter cake and it tasted pretty good but a ton of the peanut butter icing melted because of the heat! UGGGH
Yesterday was Earth day. As a homeschooling mom I took the opportunity to focus on creation and the glory and splendor of this world. I mean people, take a look around you...bad economy, bad politics, bad morals, etc. The thing about it....NONE OF THIS IS NEW!!!! We have always had these hard times, shoot, since Adam and Eve the world has not been perfect from the human level. Take time though and look at it spirtually.....even though this world is not our home and we have so much more to look forward to. We are tremendously blessed!!! Our earth is beautiful. We went to see the movie EARTH. I was so pleased. It was not ful of political propaganda or even environmental undertones. It did have some sad parts when you experience the "circle of life" LOL! However, just looking at God's creation was amazing. Eli was blown away. In his words, "there are no words to describe God, amazing doesn't even do it". So next time you are worried about the economy, politics, or whatever drags your mind away take a look around you. If you look at all of those things you may not see God anywhere but HE IS EVERYWHERE. "all creation dances before his thrown" look around and see the beauty of the seasons changing, the magnificiant colors, and beauty that is EVERYWHERE! It is like Tommy said the other day, "you can see God's glory and splendor, even in the rain".
So for now, I am going to go... I made some yummy fruit dip and I need to cut up our fruit and get ready to cook dinner. Hope to hit the tanning bed and work out tonight! Hope all is well for everyone.....Eli has a soccer tournament this weekend and I have cake to bake. We hope to plant our flowers and garden in between everything else we have to do!
Off to spend some time in God's beauty outside!!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Catching up...AGAIN!
In my last blog I vowed to be more diligent in my blogging but once again I have been slack. Sorry to all my faithful readers. I have been swamped. I will once again hit some highlights of the past two weeks and hope to get back on track this week. LOL!
Let's see, where do I begin......
Bleeze and I went with Brandi and Anna to Playhouse Disney! SO much fun! I think Brandi and I had just as much as our two little cuties! I just love Minnie Mouse. She is my favorite. I also have to admit that Handy Manny was quite the cutie too! LOL!

Got a new hair-do! LOL! Got me some blonde back. I am getting to old to keep it dark. Those friendly grey hairs love to show their ugly selves way to early! Speaking of getting old. I had my birthday in the past two weeks. It was awesome. Brandi being the sweetheart she is treated me to an AWESOME massage and then we went to Elegant Gourmet for lunch. It was wonderful! She made my birthday extra special. Big Thanks to Nanny Mary for watching the boys and Tommy for getting them in the afternoon. Tommy let me go shopping and then to the tanning bed. I had an awesome relaxing day. That evening my parents cooked me an awesome meal. THANKS! I also got to enjoy a nice LONG walk with my sweetheart!
This past Friday I worked on Sophisticake and more orders. My boys got this wild idea they wanted to spend the night with their grandparents so they went about 8pm. LOL! Tommy had not gotten home so when he did we went out for a late dinner to Macaroni Grill. One of my favorites! We had to wait out the horrible storm though to go so we found ourselves eating at almost 10pm. That is so unlike the two of us but it was a splurge. We threw in a few extra miles on the treadmill so hopefully it will not show up this week.
Saturday I delivered some orders and then I spent the rest of the day making Easter treats with the boys. We dyed eggs, made cookies, and I made us Easter cake. It was Key Lime with coconut. Very yummy! Saturday night Papa Tony and Nana Tammy came over for dinner. We had a nice time visiting with them.

Sunday morning was great! I just love seeing my boys face light up when they see what they get in their baskets each year. The got tons of candy and then two movies they had been wanting. Oh don't forget all the crayons, markers, coloring books, ant farms, and tattoos! LOL! The best part was when I asked Bleeze why we had Easter and he looked at me and said, "Because Jesus rose from the dead". I was one proud Mama! Church was beautiful. I just love water baptism service at Grace. Then they way Matt tied our study of Peter all into the "power of the resurrection" and what it truly means for us as believers and the promise to the non-believers. AWESOME! We enjoyed lunch with my parents. They are such wonderful cooks! I also enjoyed seeing two of my aunts. We spent the rest of the day outside just relaxing. We even took the boys to Rita's Italian Ice and Custard for a treat. I was glad that my parents fed the boys leftover dinner so that I could enjoy another walk with my sweetheart!

This week is jammed pack. From appointments with clients, advertisers, and getting ready for this weekend Switcharoo's in Anderson. We are swamped. I hope some of you are planning on being a part of StyleSwap. Our ladies consignment sale. We are looking for advertisers, vendors, sponsors, volunteers and of course consignors. It will be at the Carolina First Center in May. Take time now to sign up!
Hope everyone had a Happy Easter and has great week to come!
Let's see, where do I begin......
Bleeze and I went with Brandi and Anna to Playhouse Disney! SO much fun! I think Brandi and I had just as much as our two little cuties! I just love Minnie Mouse. She is my favorite. I also have to admit that Handy Manny was quite the cutie too! LOL!

Got a new hair-do! LOL! Got me some blonde back. I am getting to old to keep it dark. Those friendly grey hairs love to show their ugly selves way to early! Speaking of getting old. I had my birthday in the past two weeks. It was awesome. Brandi being the sweetheart she is treated me to an AWESOME massage and then we went to Elegant Gourmet for lunch. It was wonderful! She made my birthday extra special. Big Thanks to Nanny Mary for watching the boys and Tommy for getting them in the afternoon. Tommy let me go shopping and then to the tanning bed. I had an awesome relaxing day. That evening my parents cooked me an awesome meal. THANKS! I also got to enjoy a nice LONG walk with my sweetheart!

Saturday I delivered some orders and then I spent the rest of the day making Easter treats with the boys. We dyed eggs, made cookies, and I made us Easter cake. It was Key Lime with coconut. Very yummy! Saturday night Papa Tony and Nana Tammy came over for dinner. We had a nice time visiting with them.

Sunday morning was great! I just love seeing my boys face light up when they see what they get in their baskets each year. The got tons of candy and then two movies they had been wanting. Oh don't forget all the crayons, markers, coloring books, ant farms, and tattoos! LOL! The best part was when I asked Bleeze why we had Easter and he looked at me and said, "Because Jesus rose from the dead". I was one proud Mama! Church was beautiful. I just love water baptism service at Grace. Then they way Matt tied our study of Peter all into the "power of the resurrection" and what it truly means for us as believers and the promise to the non-believers. AWESOME! We enjoyed lunch with my parents. They are such wonderful cooks! I also enjoyed seeing two of my aunts. We spent the rest of the day outside just relaxing. We even took the boys to Rita's Italian Ice and Custard for a treat. I was glad that my parents fed the boys leftover dinner so that I could enjoy another walk with my sweetheart!

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter and has great week to come!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Got to show my gratitude
Okay, been really slack in blogging my gratitude again. Got to get back on track in more ways than one. I have truly been grateful in mind but not for everyone to hear. I have so much to be grateful for I could never share it all but here's a few for today...
1. For God.... he never ceases to amaze me!
2. For spirtual insight
3. For my husband. I love him.
4. My precious boys...they amaze me.
5. True friendship
6. That even when we are faced with the hardest struggles in our lives I live with the peace knowing that my hardest day here on earth is the hardest day I will ever have. Unfortunatly, for those who are not believer in Jesus Christ, their worst day here on earth is the best day they will ever have.
7. God's SUPERNATURAL peace.
8. Pain medication after dental work...(except when it makes you so sick you can't move)
9. The rain, even though it has made me feel blah it is such a blessing!
10. Knowing exactly who I am in Christ.
11. The ability to hear God's voice in the little things!
1. For God.... he never ceases to amaze me!
2. For spirtual insight
3. For my husband. I love him.
4. My precious boys...they amaze me.
5. True friendship
6. That even when we are faced with the hardest struggles in our lives I live with the peace knowing that my hardest day here on earth is the hardest day I will ever have. Unfortunatly, for those who are not believer in Jesus Christ, their worst day here on earth is the best day they will ever have.
7. God's SUPERNATURAL peace.
8. Pain medication after dental work...(except when it makes you so sick you can't move)
9. The rain, even though it has made me feel blah it is such a blessing!
10. Knowing exactly who I am in Christ.
11. The ability to hear God's voice in the little things!
Well, it has been awhile since my last blog. I have been busy as well as been kinda in a funk. This weather (rain, rain, and more rain) certainly does not help. I thought I would add a few pics of some of the highlights of the past few weeks. Sorry to have not been blogging I have just been kinda crazy lately. I promise there is a lot brewing in my mind and it is all about to come out but just been keeping it all to myself lately.
The boys and I were lucky one day to meet Tommy at Steak and Shake for lunch. The boys had so much fun! They wore their little hats and decorated convertible mustang paper cars (great idea Steak and Shake) kept them busy the entire time we waited on our food.

Eli has been having soccer whenever the weather cooperates. Some days while he practices I take Bleeze to play on the playground near by. Shot these cute pic of my snoopy loving cutie pie!

Tommy and I were so lucky. We got to go to Savannah two weekends ago. We needed the time away together and we had so much fun. Tommy had never been before so it was nice treat for him. We had the most awesome loft apartment right above Marc Jacobs. It was awesome. The chic loft was awesome and Tommy was loving the original hardwood floors from the 1800's. I did not get as many pics as I normally do this is just a few. We had a great time on a carriage ride, boat tour, and not to mention the food....ohhhh to die for. All my low-country fav's shrimp and grits, red beans and rice, and a low country broil. YUMMY!!! Thanks Tommy for such a special weekend!

Last Saturday Tommy had to go to GA to pick up a new trailer for the business. I rode with him 14 hours we spent on the road. It was okay though. I got time with Tommy and I also got to go through Commerce and shop! (Shopping makes everything better) LOL! We drove literally hours through farmland. It was beautiful. Even though it was raining and there were tornado warnings out it was still gorgeous. The land, the sky, the trees, everything. You could see, hear, and feel God's glory everywhere.
I had some dental work done last week and today. I got really sick from the medicine last week and I am just praying that does not happen today. This is bday month. We have lots of orders for Sophisticakes and More plus I have lots of friends and family with birthdays. Tomorrow is my Moms and my cousin Debbie's. (today is Jennifer James) I think I know someone with a bday every day this month but 2! CRAZY!
So for now, I hope everyone is doing well. Catch you all later. I promise to get better with the blogging!
The boys and I were lucky one day to meet Tommy at Steak and Shake for lunch. The boys had so much fun! They wore their little hats and decorated convertible mustang paper cars (great idea Steak and Shake) kept them busy the entire time we waited on our food.

Eli has been having soccer whenever the weather cooperates. Some days while he practices I take Bleeze to play on the playground near by. Shot these cute pic of my snoopy loving cutie pie!

Tommy and I were so lucky. We got to go to Savannah two weekends ago. We needed the time away together and we had so much fun. Tommy had never been before so it was nice treat for him. We had the most awesome loft apartment right above Marc Jacobs. It was awesome. The chic loft was awesome and Tommy was loving the original hardwood floors from the 1800's. I did not get as many pics as I normally do this is just a few. We had a great time on a carriage ride, boat tour, and not to mention the food....ohhhh to die for. All my low-country fav's shrimp and grits, red beans and rice, and a low country broil. YUMMY!!! Thanks Tommy for such a special weekend!

Last Saturday Tommy had to go to GA to pick up a new trailer for the business. I rode with him 14 hours we spent on the road. It was okay though. I got time with Tommy and I also got to go through Commerce and shop! (Shopping makes everything better) LOL! We drove literally hours through farmland. It was beautiful. Even though it was raining and there were tornado warnings out it was still gorgeous. The land, the sky, the trees, everything. You could see, hear, and feel God's glory everywhere.
I had some dental work done last week and today. I got really sick from the medicine last week and I am just praying that does not happen today. This is bday month. We have lots of orders for Sophisticakes and More plus I have lots of friends and family with birthdays. Tomorrow is my Moms and my cousin Debbie's. (today is Jennifer James) I think I know someone with a bday every day this month but 2! CRAZY!
So for now, I hope everyone is doing well. Catch you all later. I promise to get better with the blogging!
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