I closed my last blog in hopes of becoming better at blogging. The thing is I do have a lot to say and a lot in my mind however, I am not a liberty to say many of those things as of right now. In the past few weeks, I feel like a have been on a journey like no other. A journey filled with so many different emotions that it is overwhelming for me to even think about them, much less write about those feelings. I can however, put a few things I know for sure. Things that are certain in my life right now....but then again is anything every "for certain". I think God has been trying to teach me over the years that the on thing that is certain and "for sure" in this life is HIM! Isn't it wonderful to know that his "mercies are new everyday". With that being said, I can give you a quick update of things in my life right now and hopefully keep up with this blogging adventure again. I have to say that when I was a faithful blogger it was so nice to go back and relive the experiences in my life.
1.I am no longer with the LOOM at cotton mill place.
2. I am excited about new opportunities.
3. I am very excited about being with my boys more and being able to focus more on their education.
4. I have been disappointed by MANY people in the past few weeks but at the same time God has reminded me of his redemptive power in relationships so there is no need to be discouraged.
5. I have learned when you have done all you can do to stand...JUST STAND! (I am just standing)
6. I have a husband who is amazing. That has been VERY supportive of me in the past few weeks and I can never thank him enough.
7. I am so thankful for a church body that lives Biblically.
8. I am growing and learning more and more everyday in the ladies leadership gender study at church....can't wait for the spring for it to be passed on.
9. I would not want to be an attorney or a CPA. (I appreciate all that each of you do, but you couldn't pay me enough to have either job.)
10. When my integrity has been questioned, I have learned to stand firm in my beliefs and know who I am as an individual as well as in Christ.
11. My boys are the best,most patient children on the planet.
12. I realized the other day that I have to cherish every minute with Eli because he is almost grown..... sniff...sniff.:0(
13. Halloween is fun when spent with friends. :0)
14. Halloween candy is best when shared with friends. :0)
15. That I am very grateful for friendship (TRUE friendship). For the friends who have reached out to me in many different ways the past few weeks. You are all truly amazing.
16. That I have had some wonderful family time in the past few weeks with my parents and my brother, sister in law, and niece. I love them and I am so grateful to have their love and support.
17. There is nothing like seeing my sweet Bleeze face light up when he received his new puppy "Bella". She weighs less than one pound and is simply precious!!!
18. That I enjoy Charlotte Bobcat games! (ha..I really enjoy looking at Michael Jordan) LOL!
19. That I really appreciate my husband's love for politics.
20. I love fun times in the car with friends singing songs!
21. That I am truly excited about going to see Lady Antabellum this weekend!
22. Really excited about a new opportunity that has come my way and is allowing me to be creative.
23. That I love Ed Hardy perfume.
24. That if you stay in Hobby Lobby long enough listening to the music you can actually feel like you have been to church for worship...ahh....(I was sad yesterday when I went...they were playing Christmas music... I was looking for some spirtual uplifting..LOL)
25. I love our new small group! Great people and I love feeling apart.
26. That I do not like the time change.
27. That I wish I were on a tropical island most days lately..LOL!
28. That I am having trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year. It is not that I don't like Christmas...but I just think we skip Thanksgiving now. I want my kids to know Thanksgiving. What it means to be thankful and to realize the true meaning of Thanksgiving. To understand what it means and the true significance of the pilgrims and their journey. If you think about all of it, it is truly amazing and I want them to experience being Thankful first....then we will think about Christmas.
29. Halloween candy seems to mulitply on it's own...LOL!
These last are the most important.
30. God IS good all the time.
31. God IS faithful all the time.
32. I would be NOTHING with out JESUS!
33. Jesus paid it all!
34. When I don't understand life and the troubles and trials that it brings my way, I know that I can trust in the one who is the creator of this life and he will sustain me.
35. He calls me friend!
36. In the words of my friend Tiffany..."Jesus knows my heart".
37. Just as people never cease to amaze me.... neither does God!
So there you have it....just a few of my latest thoughts and feelings. I am going to try to keep this blog going. I love posting about my God,hubby, kids, and day. I love sharing with those of you near and far! I also love to look back on my life and see how God has moved in my life and provided for my every need. (I also love seeing my boys grow). I will try to keep you all informed!!! For now...happy Tuesday and lots of love sent out!!!!