Well, lets see...been a little slack lately in the blogging department. I just watched Julie and Julia and it really made me want get back into the habit of blogging. I just wish that I had something more interesting to blog about other than my daily life, gratitude, spiritual, political, and personal beliefs. I suppose that is what blogging is all about. The things you are passionate about and those things are my passions.
My daily life has gotten a little bit more organized this past week. I have been trying to get back on a schedule and stay consistent. I am so happy that we have set hours now at the LOOM, there for a while I had that flying by the seat of my pants feeling and I do not enjoy that. I MUST have structure and consistency. That is just the way I roll. Sorry to all my friends and family that I drive insane with that.
My gratitude. I have so much to be grateful for. I sometimes am ashamed when I do my little daily bloggings of my gratitude. I could never be thankful enough to my God. He is amazing. All that he has given me and all that he has provided for me is amazing! I just have to share the little tid bits as they come. It also helps keep me humble.
The boys are doing well. We have been rebuking the puke all the week. So many friends of ours have that horrid stomach virus. I have to admit I have gotten so much better about this. I used to would have lost hours of sleep and had hours of anxiety, stressing over if we were going to contact the stomach bug. I have to say that though I still struggle with this fear God has really helped me with this. I have realized that when I set around and worry over it, I am actually sinning. God tells us over and over again in his word not to worry or be fearful. So I have tried to surrender my faith to Him in this area and just trust that he is in control and he will help me no matter what. I believe he can keep us from it all the way around!
The boys are excited to start soccer soon. I am ready for them to also! I have missed it! I am really excited for Bleeze. This is going to be his first time playing. He is going to be precious! LOL!
I was excited this past week. I actually managed to work in some fun time. Mani and Pedi with Candy, saw the Blind Side with Brandi, and worked a trip into Charlotte with Tommy to Ikea. That is the quickest I ever went through that place. Got some cute glasses for my kitchen though. We were down to just a few from dropping, dishwasher mishaps, etc.
I was also happy to start back to ladies Bible study too! So happy to Candy and Malia part of our group to. I can't wait to get my book Tuesday and be able to start my homework. I know God is going to take me to a brand new level through this study.
Today was good. We went to church this morning. I was SO happy that the Stone's went with us. I did take something away with me today about FEAR and PRIDE going hand in hand. It so true. I encourage everyone to go to our church's website and listen today's message. Only one or two more weeks of studying on Fear/Freedom dealing with finances. I am excited to see what is coming up next. I have had the opportunity to be lazy again this Sunday. LOVE IT! Been chatting on line, watching movies, reading magazines, playing on facebook. AWESOME! This will all end tomorrow.
Yep, tomorrow is back to homeschooling, working, and all the normal things! Excited for lots of things this week. Home school activities, new brides at the LOOM, and this Sunday is our vendor Bridal Fair at the LOOM. Can't wait!
So for now. I am off to read some more of my magazine and make out the schedules for the boys and myself this week. Hope everyone has a great week!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Survived the Wedding Festival and Fun times with Friends....

We survived the wedding festival....thank God! Eli went with me today and he was a HUGE help. I am so glad I have him. He has become a great spokesperson for the LOOM. He cracked me up. He has all the facts and is such a good salesman. LOL! The worse part of today was getting trapped at the parking deck of the Hyatt for 2 hours. Seriously, the city of Greenville has GOT to open more exits. It was truly a nightmare!
Tonight we got to go the the Charlotte Bobcats basketball game with the Stone's. We had so much fun and we really enjoyed eating at the MEZ afterwards. So good. Loved that place. It was awesome.
That Wedding Festival is Over!
Eli..he rocks!
Friendships that are unbreakable no matter what!
Good times with friends tonight!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Wedding Festival
Today I have spent running around trying to get everything together for the wedding festival. I am excited to go but so sad that Brandi is not here to be a part of it. Tommy helped me set up tonight. Our booth looks great and I can't wait for tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
My sweet boys who have been so patient with me this week. It has been crazy
Tommy, he was such a huge help setting up for the show tonight.
sleep....hope to get some now....
My sweet boys who have been so patient with me this week. It has been crazy
Tommy, he was such a huge help setting up for the show tonight.
sleep....hope to get some now....
Thursday, January 7, 2010
just another day in paradise...lol
Today has been an errand running day again. Lot's going on! Whew..... I will be so happy when Brandi comes back from Disney. I am so happy that they are getting to go but I miss them! Met with two awesome brides today. That was great! hehehe... I almost fell of the treadmill tonight reading my magazine. It was so embarressing. LOL! We got to see some snowflakes tonight too. Bleeze was so excited. I am sad though because I really don't think it is going to stick..ughh...
now for something to be grateful for.....
* McD's sweet tea
* snowflakes...(the look in Bleeze eyes when he sees them)
* fat free poppy seed salad dressing....soooo good....
* Tommy...he has been supportive this week and helped me through lots of "sticky" situations....
now for something to be grateful for.....
* McD's sweet tea
* snowflakes...(the look in Bleeze eyes when he sees them)
* fat free poppy seed salad dressing....soooo good....
* Tommy...he has been supportive this week and helped me through lots of "sticky" situations....
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wonderful Wednesday
Today was awesome. I have had such a stressful week. Other than a no-show for a bridal consult today was so much better. My boys went to spend part of the day with Nanny Mary. I had lunch with Candy. Gosh...that was so nice. We went to Stella's YUMMY! Then our old time favorite place Target. We had a blast. Then I was able to get some errands and other thing done this afternoon. I even made it to the grocery store today and cooked dinner tonight. (not much of a dinner Manwhich) LOL!!!! But hey.. I cooked and we ate together as a family. The boys actually love it and ate better than usual. ha!
My grateful heart.
* Candy... I am so lucky to have her in my life!
* lunch at Stella's
*Simpsonville Lemonade
* Shopping and fun
*Manwhich with the family....
My grateful heart.
* Candy... I am so lucky to have her in my life!
* lunch at Stella's
*Simpsonville Lemonade
* Shopping and fun
*Manwhich with the family....
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Date night....
So, today was stressful but not as stressful as yesterday. I want to say a huge thanks to all of you who sent me text private messages and encouragment! I normally try to keep me frustrations hidden and not share them for the world to see, but yesterday was crazy. I have to say that the best part of the day today was laughing with the boys in the car. They crack me up sometimes! They both are hilarious. I would like to say they are both such troopers and good helpers. They helped me clean at the LOOM today. Poor Bleeze, he picked up about the 1000 rose petals that were left on the floor from Sunday's wedding and Eli helped with so much. I am so lucky to have them as my little boys.
Tonight was date. It was my night with Eli. We went to the mall. I have to say that I was happy that he chose to do that because I had some things I wanted to pick up. He actually helped me choose clothes. He is so funny. We ate at Shomar's in the mall. It was pretty yummy. We had fun! So now I am off to show some gratitude. I am excited about tomorrow. Having lunch with my friend.
So grateful for....
* My sweet boys. They rock!
* Funny time in the van with the two awesome in my life!
* the gym.. it is my escape
* date night with Eli. He is growing up so fast. Gosh!
Monday, January 4, 2010
stressful monday...ughh
Oh my...today was not a good start to the new year. It was so stressful. Lot going in personally and professionally. I have so much to do and not enough time in the day to do it all. I am going to skip right to the gratitude. I need to be reminded.
* The Holy Spirit....it has helped me through today.
* My boys, they are such troopers
* My hubby being VERY supportive of me.
* Friends who text me with encouragement and laughs
* The new McDonald's Toys...LOVE THE CHIPMUNKS
* fun trips to taco bell with my family in the freezing cold.
* The Holy Spirit....it has helped me through today.
* My boys, they are such troopers
* My hubby being VERY supportive of me.
* Friends who text me with encouragement and laughs
* The new McDonald's Toys...LOVE THE CHIPMUNKS
* fun trips to taco bell with my family in the freezing cold.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Sunday and a grateful heart

Tommy and I took a break and had some dinner at the new place Harry and Jean's it was so good. For those of you who are local, go try it. It is located across the street from Costco (the old PRIME) it is so pretty in there and it is so good. I had the pecan crusted catfish and grits and Tommy had apple pork tenderloin and cheese potatoes (I tasted both and it was amazing)
The event was over early tonight and were able to get the boys and get home early. So I am very thankful for that. I am exhausted. So for now...here is my gratitude.
* Fun lunches with my family (even at
*Mary for watching the boys
* Yummy food with my man
* My sweet man who let me wear his jacket because it was sooo cold tonight.
* Sleep
Saturday, January 2, 2010
buys day with some gratitude
Today was busy as usual and I am so tired. We had a wedding at the LOOM and then set up for another wedding tomorrow. This 2am mornings are hard work. LOL! Had fun hanging with Brandi and Tommy tonight. We had fun just laughing and hanging out. Then fun times in the truck with Dean and Cindy too. I laughed so hard. I appreciate everything they do to help us so very much. They ROCK!
Now for some gratitude..
* Fun times even when working
* My sweet boys for being so patient when we have to be at the LOOM. They were so good tonight.
* Zaxbys sweet and spicy sauce
* Coffee and these long nights
* Cindy and Dean....they Rock!
Now for some gratitude..
* Fun times even when working
* My sweet boys for being so patient when we have to be at the LOOM. They were so good tonight.
* Zaxbys sweet and spicy sauce
* Coffee and these long nights
* Cindy and Dean....they Rock!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Attitude of Gratitude
As part of the New Year I have to get back to being more grateful. I will start this first day of the New Year. I have so much to be grateful for I could write a book....
1. God... he is amazing and blesses me more than I could ever imagine.
2. my hubby and kids....they are my everything.
3. Great times tonight with old wonderful friends. So glad to have them in my life!!!
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