Friday, August 28, 2009
Beach Bound
I have been getting us ready all day today to head to the beach. Been feeling a little sick today. Actually, I have been feeling sick for about three weeks. I guess the Biltmore House incedent was just made worse by being pregnant. I can't wait to go to hunting Island. It is my absolute favorite place to camp with the boys. We have so much fun. It is beautiful there! The beach, the sand, the animals. I LOVE IT!!!! Can't wait until in the morning. I will have to catch the blog up because there is no Wi-fi. I can sometimes text and update from my phone but that is only if I am standing in the right spot. So, say a prayer for and we will catch you next week!
For those of you who do not know what that mean. In the baby making world it means BIG FAT POSITIVE! That is what we got! We have know for about 2 weeks now but did not want to tell everyone because of the miscarriages we have had in the past. We are truly trying to believe that God is going to help us through this time. I am about 8 weeks and that means the baby will be born in March/April. Go to the doctor's on September 25th. Keep us in your prayers.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Great Day at the LOOM

Well, I think we may be in the clear on the stomach bug....(finger's crossed) We had a great night. Over 500 realtors/mortgage brokers were in and out of a gathering at the LOOM tonight. Let me tell you, they know how to have some fun! Great band, food, and fun for all. Book your next event at the LOOM.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Had a great day today. Had dinner with Mary and Candy from Mary's Catering. We are so excited to have them as one of our preferred vendors. They are amazing. Good times at the Red Robin. HOwever, came home to puking Eli. UGHHH! I guess it is his turn! Poor fellow. Pray he gets better soon and that we stay healthy for the beach.
Monday, August 24, 2009
oh....feeling so much better....
Happy Anniversary Tommy! I love you!
Felt so much better this morning. Even felt good enough to go to church. Good thing, I guess we have caught some bug because Brandi and Anna are sick too. UGGH! We had a baby shower at the LOOM today. It went off without a hitch. Bleeze stayed with my while Eli went on a playdate. He was such a good helper when we did the cleanup. He folded up 25 chairs all by himself. He ROCKS. Looking forward to this week. WE are headed out of town this weekend for the beach. I can't wait!!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Happy Anniverary....not so happy ending....
Today started wonderful. My sweetheart and I headed up to Asheville to the Biltmore House for our 13th wedding anniversary. We had breakfast at the Moose Cafe. It was wonderful!!! So yummy. I just love Asheville, the view that conservative values really do not fit in there.
We had so much fun at the Biltmore House. WE have been before, we always learn something new everytime we go. I love it. We splurged and did the rooftop tour also. It was very interesting.
We enjoyed ice cream from the creamery. It was such a great time. Then it happend. I started feeling REALLY sick. It was horrible. I do not believe I have ever been that sick before. In 13 years of marriage I have never tossed my cookies in front of Tommy. Well... so much for that. On the ride home I had my head hung out the window twice tossing my ice cream and everything else. It was horrid.
I felt sooo bad. Tommy had planned such a special day and evening and I kinda ruined it. Oh well... Sorry my sweet man!

We had so much fun at the Biltmore House. WE have been before, we always learn something new everytime we go. I love it. We splurged and did the rooftop tour also. It was very interesting.
We enjoyed ice cream from the creamery. It was such a great time. Then it happend. I started feeling REALLY sick. It was horrible. I do not believe I have ever been that sick before. In 13 years of marriage I have never tossed my cookies in front of Tommy. Well... so much for that. On the ride home I had my head hung out the window twice tossing my ice cream and everything else. It was horrid.
I felt sooo bad. Tommy had planned such a special day and evening and I kinda ruined it. Oh well... Sorry my sweet man!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Date Night....
Well, this is our anniversary weekend. We are not going anywhere because we have a lot going on. We are planning a trip to Asheville in the morning to the Biltmore House.That should be fun. However tonight we did mananage to sneak in a little meal together at the Great Bay Oyster House. We just LOVE to eat there. I got my favorite Fried Green Tomatoe BLT. SO GOOD!!!! We had a blast. The boys got to spend some time with Nanny Mary and that was fun for them. So for now, I am off to get some sleep before we head out to Asheville in the morning. I can't wait!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Well, we finally made it. Our ribbon cutting and Grand Opening was
Saturday night. If we start naming peeps to thank we will get in so much trouble. But just a HUGE thanks to all family and friends who spent hours working in the LOOM, keeping kids, and just being there for us. The Open House was amazing. I was so overwhelmed by all the love and support from our friends as well as the community. A huge thanks to the city of Simpsonville. Everyone has made us feel truly welcome and been so supportive. I am going to share a few pics as I think about how awesome the evening was. For those of you who haven't been by to check us out. Your really should find the time to come by. The LOOM rocks and I give all glory and honor to God for his many blessings in my life.
Saturday night. If we start naming peeps to thank we will get in so much trouble. But just a HUGE thanks to all family and friends who spent hours working in the LOOM, keeping kids, and just being there for us. The Open House was amazing. I was so overwhelmed by all the love and support from our friends as well as the community. A huge thanks to the city of Simpsonville. Everyone has made us feel truly welcome and been so supportive. I am going to share a few pics as I think about how awesome the evening was. For those of you who haven't been by to check us out. Your really should find the time to come by. The LOOM rocks and I give all glory and honor to God for his many blessings in my life.
I am going to spend the next few days working but also catching up on some much missed time with my two boys. They have been such troopers through all of this. Hope you enjoy the pics!
Frankie's Fun Park
Tonight we took the boys to Frankie's Fun Park! We had fun and so did they. After all the work on the LOOM and getting ready for the Grand Opening. We needed some much needed family time. We had a great supper at Johnny Rockets and then hit the go-carts. The boys love to ride them. I was just happy to be with them!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Attitude of Gratitude ever had one of those days when things are just rubbing you the wrong way? I am having one of those. You know what I am talking about. Somebody didn't smile at you, or said something that kinda hurt your feelings (but you know that it was harmless and you also know that it is stupid for it to hurt your feelings), people and their driving is driving you nuts, the drive-thru is too long, it takes forever to get through the check-out line, winey hiney kids, you spill something on your clothes, and oh....don't forget that you see somebody and it brings back tons of old feelings, good, bad, and ugly and it just totally irritates you. Do not forget that sometimes the green-eyed monster of jealousy or envy tries to creep in in mysterious ways...ugghh!!! Well, I am having one of those days! So whenever I have one of these days I know it is time for me to stop and count my blessings! They are EVERYWHERE so where do I start...
1. I am so thankful for my heavenly Father who loves me despite everything.
2. For salvation, grace, and mercy,and Grace Church
3. For my husband
4. My two precious gifts Eli and Bleeze
5. For my parents, Eric, Jessica, and Makenzie
6. for Eli, he has been an awesome baby sitter this week....
7. for Tammy, Tony, Lexi, and Jordan
8. for Mary and Jeff
9. For Brandi, John, Anna and Ava
10. For Dean and Cindy
11. For opportunities that keep walking through our doors.
12 for the LOOM
13 for the cozy loft
14 for large sweet tea from McDonald's
15 for starbucks
16 precious little moments with each boy and my husband
17 for Rita's Italian Ice (they make my boys smile)
18 for TIVO'd episodes of Tori and Dean
19 for my late night viewings of Golden Girls everynight(they make me smile)
20 for red lollipops at the bank
21 for friends those near and those far...
22 for the awesome group of ladies I met with at Grace this week. I can't wait for CC
23 for love
24 for the energy that God has given each of during the past few weeks
25 for healing that we all have received over the past few days
26 for peace that only God can give
27 for healing of hurt feelings
28 for every client that is booking at the LOOM
29 for pizza
30 for chocolate
31 for sweet sweaty kisses ( I just got one) from Bleeze
32 for benadryl it is a wonder drug
33 for the is amazing
34 for helments when Tommy rides his motorcycle
35 for my work out everyday it makes me feel sooo much better
36 for my size 4 shorts I got in...go me!
37 for lead pencils... I go through a hundred a week scheduling and rescheduling...LOL!
38 for a country that is still good despite all the bad right now
39 for calculators (batteries before brains)
40 for my cozy bathroom that I took a warm bubble bath in last night
41 for date night..(Oh I NEED ONE)
42 for belly laughes at Anna and Bleeze while they are playing
43 for the funny fact that Anna and Bleeze play (Cathy & Linda) bahahahaha!
44 for fun times with family and friends
45 for warm coffee in the mornings
46 for food, home, and car (boy these should be closer to the top)
47 for words of wisdom from the wise
48 for things that make me go hummmmm
49 for my cellphone...yes... I am thankful for it.
50 for EVERYTHING.... I could go on and on and on...........................
1. I am so thankful for my heavenly Father who loves me despite everything.
2. For salvation, grace, and mercy,and Grace Church
3. For my husband
4. My two precious gifts Eli and Bleeze
5. For my parents, Eric, Jessica, and Makenzie
6. for Eli, he has been an awesome baby sitter this week....
7. for Tammy, Tony, Lexi, and Jordan
8. for Mary and Jeff
9. For Brandi, John, Anna and Ava
10. For Dean and Cindy
11. For opportunities that keep walking through our doors.
12 for the LOOM
13 for the cozy loft
14 for large sweet tea from McDonald's
15 for starbucks
16 precious little moments with each boy and my husband
17 for Rita's Italian Ice (they make my boys smile)
18 for TIVO'd episodes of Tori and Dean
19 for my late night viewings of Golden Girls everynight(they make me smile)
20 for red lollipops at the bank
21 for friends those near and those far...
22 for the awesome group of ladies I met with at Grace this week. I can't wait for CC
23 for love
24 for the energy that God has given each of during the past few weeks
25 for healing that we all have received over the past few days
26 for peace that only God can give
27 for healing of hurt feelings
28 for every client that is booking at the LOOM
29 for pizza
30 for chocolate
31 for sweet sweaty kisses ( I just got one) from Bleeze
32 for benadryl it is a wonder drug
33 for the is amazing
34 for helments when Tommy rides his motorcycle
35 for my work out everyday it makes me feel sooo much better
36 for my size 4 shorts I got in...go me!
37 for lead pencils... I go through a hundred a week scheduling and rescheduling...LOL!
38 for a country that is still good despite all the bad right now
39 for calculators (batteries before brains)
40 for my cozy bathroom that I took a warm bubble bath in last night
41 for date night..(Oh I NEED ONE)
42 for belly laughes at Anna and Bleeze while they are playing
43 for the funny fact that Anna and Bleeze play (Cathy & Linda) bahahahaha!
44 for fun times with family and friends
45 for warm coffee in the mornings
46 for food, home, and car (boy these should be closer to the top)
47 for words of wisdom from the wise
48 for things that make me go hummmmm
49 for my cellphone...yes... I am thankful for it.
50 for EVERYTHING.... I could go on and on and on...........................
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
still going strong despite it all...

Well, we are still going strong despite some of us coming down with colds, kids puking from crazy diets and too much sugar! Everyone is tired but we see the finish line just ahead! I am so excited. The walls are painted the power was turned on today and air condition in place! WOOT WOOT! Can't wait to get out there in the morning and finish spreading mulch and get whatever else I can do done! I am not the greatest at the construction part. Cindy is wonderwoman of course and Brandi is supergirl! I think maybe Cindy and I have contracted the same sickness. I can barely breath. My fever broke today while I was working. I have never sweated that much in my life.

We are excited to also be doing Switcharoos right here in the middle of all of this chaos. Hope to promote our baby shower and birthday parties!

The boys are great. Eli has been the best baby sitter ever. He ROCKS! I am really proud of him. Bleeze, Anna, and Ava. They are all little angels despite the full moon, crazy eating and sleeping arrangements!

I do have to say I miss my sweet husband. He has been working like crazy and barely squeezing in time to work at the LOOM. He is however there now working away....I am worried he is wearing himself out! I am grateful to have a man that loves to work and provide for his family. I do miss him though. We only have a few more days and it will be our anniversary! I am beat...feeling kinda tired tonight so I think I am going to try to go to sleep. Hope everyone is great!!! Don't forget the grand opening August 15th from 6-9pm!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
So this week we have worked our fannies off! LOL! I could never say thank you enough to of course Brandi, but John, Tommy, Dean, my parents, Ken and Charlene Ward and of course "wonderwoman" Cindy. I don't see how she does it. She is the energizer bunny! She also can do ANYTHING!!!! So, most of our days and nights have been spent working on the LOOM. Eli has made him some spending money this week babysitting. He has been AWESOME!!!God love him, he reminds me of myself so much. He has everything organized and scheduled out for the kiddos down to snack and crafts. LOL!!!
We are 14 days away from the OPEN HOUSE! Holy Cow, I cannot believe I just typed that. 14 DAYS!!! WHAT??? Well, it is going to be AWESOME! I for one cannot wait.
Tommy rode his motorcycle down to the LOOM this morning. God loved him. He worked all day down there. I don't think he has had a day off in 2months. He is beat. So, his trip home has turned into a joy motorcle with Shane M. and my nerves are shot. I feel like Tori! LOL! I am a nervous wreck! All I can do is pray! I will say he looks pretty hot on it though. LOL!
I went to church tonight with Brandi to help her with her little class. They were so cute! All girls one boy (Bleeze) LOL! I guess I will go back in the morning for first service before doing more work at the LOOM.
Eli got to go on a playdate with a new friend today. He had fun and Bleeze got a new "big" boy car seat. He LOVES it! He is so cute in it. OH>>>> Tommy crashed the side of my van in yesterday! UGGGHHHHH!!!! He hit a fire hydrate. I guess that is going to have to get fixed this week. I for one am in favor of a new one. LOL! bad the government ran out of "cash for clunkers" LOL!!!!! (just kidding) my van is not a clunker!
Oh me, my sweet Bleeze is in dreamland now and I so want to be also. LOL! I am going to wait on my sexy, motorcycle riding man to get home though. LOL! I hope everyone is doing well and has a great night and rest of the weekend. Hope you all plan to be at the Open House at the LOOM. August 15th from 6-9pm!
Good night! XOXO
We are 14 days away from the OPEN HOUSE! Holy Cow, I cannot believe I just typed that. 14 DAYS!!! WHAT??? Well, it is going to be AWESOME! I for one cannot wait.
Tommy rode his motorcycle down to the LOOM this morning. God loved him. He worked all day down there. I don't think he has had a day off in 2months. He is beat. So, his trip home has turned into a joy motorcle with Shane M. and my nerves are shot. I feel like Tori! LOL! I am a nervous wreck! All I can do is pray! I will say he looks pretty hot on it though. LOL!
I went to church tonight with Brandi to help her with her little class. They were so cute! All girls one boy (Bleeze) LOL! I guess I will go back in the morning for first service before doing more work at the LOOM.
Eli got to go on a playdate with a new friend today. He had fun and Bleeze got a new "big" boy car seat. He LOVES it! He is so cute in it. OH>>>> Tommy crashed the side of my van in yesterday! UGGGHHHHH!!!! He hit a fire hydrate. I guess that is going to have to get fixed this week. I for one am in favor of a new one. LOL! bad the government ran out of "cash for clunkers" LOL!!!!! (just kidding) my van is not a clunker!
Oh me, my sweet Bleeze is in dreamland now and I so want to be also. LOL! I am going to wait on my sexy, motorcycle riding man to get home though. LOL! I hope everyone is doing well and has a great night and rest of the weekend. Hope you all plan to be at the Open House at the LOOM. August 15th from 6-9pm!
Good night! XOXO
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