I have been such a bad blogger lately. I am sorry. I really do have a lot to say especially on spiritual and political levels but I have been fighting the urge to put it out there. I tend to get myself in trouble when I do that. I really need to find a way to vent and not offend but it is hard. LOL!
We have been getting ready for baby Suri to arrive and tomorrow we find out a "for sure" date unless she decides to try to come on her own. I had two wonderful baby showers! I posted the pics on my facebook.
My mom hosted a beautiful baby shower for our familiy here are the pics from it....
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150325266560753.335691.517535752&type=1And then my sweet friends Candy and Karen hosted a fun "girls night out" shower for my friends! It was so much fun! Here is the pics from it......
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150325282315753.335697.517535752&type=1So for now... I am going to try to be a better blogger and keep everyone up to date because I know that I am going ot have a lot going on over the next few weeks with the arrival of our sweet Suri!